But he knew Myra was different from Meera. Manipulating and controlling Meera was more easy compared to Myra. Meera was selfish just like her father, she was self centred, she always thought about her benefits first.

Myra was emotional fool from his point of view. She was raised with high morals and ethical values by his ex-wife. Convincing Myra was going to be a tough task.

"Can we not talk about it?" Her voice turned sharp suddenly.

She kept her eyes straight not bothering to match with her father's.

"I know I am your culprit. I always kept you away from myself but now I don't want it. I love you my little princess." He raised his hand to caress her hairs. He knew, he needed to play his emotional cards.

Talk nicely... shower your love... shed some tears... show your pain... And Myra will be in my battalion.

This was Ashok's theory.

He hoped it to be worked on her else his doom was near. Neil Singhania has made sure of it.

Myra turned to look at her father's eyes to find the truth behind his words.

'One can lie with words but cannot with eyes. To know anyone's truth... look in his or her eyes. Eyes speak a lot than words and actions.' This was her mother's theory to judge a person.

Myra shivered under his father's touch. His mere touch evolved memories of her hardships over years.

"You don't" she did not move her eyes.

She shifted to other side making safe distance.

"I do. And I always wished the best for you." He tried to hold her hand.

Myra left humorous chuckle shaking her head taking her hand back. '

Her distant and cold approach was adding fuel in already lit fire of Ashok's heart. But he knew for this moment he needed Myra the most.

"I hope Neil is good with you. Whatever Meera did with him. He is not..." He tried to play his manipulative cards.

"Mr. Sehgal you don't have any rights to talk about my personal life. Please excuse me." She gulped and batted with her eyelashes to push back tear which was ready to cross its borders.

She got up to leave but felt hold on her wrist.

"Myra, listen to me. I can explain. Neil is trying to ... "

"Sorry, I need to leave." She avoided taking back her hand.

She left for her home without looking back unaware of her brief moment with her father was already captured on camera by one pair of an eye.

'She is going to be a tough nut to crack than I had expected.' Ashok wiped his fake tears still keeping his eyes on his daughter.

Myra came back home long back but her mind was unsettled with thoughts. Her father's thoughts were increasing her anguish. She was not sure about his sudden approach. Even when Meera left, his grandson was alone in hospital, her father did not show up. But now...?

'What does he want now?'

'Why did he even come to hospital?'

'He was not there when Mumma passed away. He just turn his face when I went to meet him after Mumma's death. He did not support me for Granny's treatment.'

'After so many years what did he want to talk to me?'

'He said he love me. Really?'

'Does he even know what love is meant for ?'

Broken yet Beautiful (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now