22 | another defeat

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I was listening to Continuum through the throbbing speakers of my car, ticking off seconds for the green light to appear again when I heard a knock on my window.

I paused the music and turned. It was a small boy knocking. His clothes looked like rugs stitched together hasty, his face dirty with ages of unwashed dirt, but the beautiful green in his young eyes was blooming with something I just couldn't place.

He took a step back from the car, and pulled up his sleeves, taking a magician's ring out of thin air for me to see. Taking another step away the boy swung the ring up in the sky, the ring shimmered in the light of the sun as he caught it with the tip of his tiny nose.

34 seconds for the red light to turn green. I wished it were longer as I watched the boy dance bare feet on the road with the ring dancing over his unkempt body. Each time I thought his tricks came to an end, he pulled another one even better.

12 seconds left when he came up to my window again, this time his eyes, carrying years of worry he hadn't lived through. He knocked again, desperately.

"Few dollars, only a few," his voice more desperate than last time.

Four seconds left and I couldn't find my wallet or even a penny that'd maybe help him buy a bottle of filter water. I look into his eyes helplessly with mine, hoping they'd say enough. 

And sure they did:
As he turns away to walk again, to another street, another defeat.

— A Rich Bullshiter

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