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There are people. People attached to memories, places, emotions, and pieces of us that we never want to let go of. People that we want to compress within ourselves so we don't have to bid goodbyes. The ones we do compress within our small selves.

And here's to the one I've compressed within myself:

People will come, and they will go. Some will leave you choking in tears that you'll learn to swallow, but a few, the special few will make you hold on to your pain. That pain that you will forbid to forget for it will be left to you in the most beautiful ways. It will be left to you in memories of your first awkward hugs to the most memorable kisses to the past of their soul so close to yours, but never close enough.

They'll make you reread your chat, and compel you to click on the 'notify when online' button, they'll also make it to your phone background for a little too short of a while. They'll make you remember every smile, every eye contact, and every bend and occurring tip of their skin on yours.

But they'll force you to bid goodbye when you'll keep waiting for a text that'll never appear, an emotion that'll never show, and simply a grasp of mutual gaze that isn't anymore mutual.

They'll make you forget, the wound they're gutting, again and again, and again, it shouldn't be theirs to gut anymore.

You'll forget that they're not the love. That you aren't in love. They're addiction and you've inhaled them like the high of burning cigarette. That, the addiction is where the adrenaline, fast heartbeats, buzz of pleasure is materializing each time you skip through memories as if nicotine.

And one day you'll realize: I'm high, forever High.

— An Addict

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