04 | just a moment

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'Birth, death, disease, and old age are the biggest problems of life...'

But living in a hospital made her question that statement more than once. And thus, she realized she believed differently than the Lord itself. She thought differently than nature, but it didn't surprise her.

She tended to believe old age is a disease in itself.

What is disease? It is a disorder of function in any to all creatures on earth. And old age relates to it just as much as water does to liquid.

It makes you weak, it makes you forget faster than you thought was once possible, it makes you more dependent than you ever wanted to be. There is so much we can add to that list. And as we do, we add one more disease to the thousand illnesses that can carry you to paradise.

'... but when old age is a disease itself?'

'Because life is just a moment, and then it's gone.'

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