Centuries Ago...

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( omg sorry about the long hiatus. I honestly didn't know what to put so it took a bit formulating the timeline so hope you enjoy this.)

Centuries Ago (1521) ..  On Route To The Land

"Sire? Are you all set?" A servant asks the king as he stands along the docks, ready to travel to unknown lands.

"Sir Ferdinand Magellan has died on those lands." The servant continues.

The king simply sighs and leans back onto his throne, reading the announcement on the scroll.

Your Majesty,

Ferdinand Magellan had died & the natives have refused to give his corpse back. However, this land that he discovered could be useful & could be added to the colonies that you control.

I suggest moving there now to take it as a part of your Empire's land.

Spanish Empire. One of the most powerful empires to date, in conjunction with the Portuguese. Owned half of the world by invading and colonizing the land he so rightfully owned.

" I am. We are going to venture there to take these lands. They could be useful."

The servant bows and goes to make preparations. To get the Royal entourage ready for His Majesty. After all, this new land hadn't been discovered yet. Oh how interesting this may be.

Spanish Empire stands up walks to the huge windows of his castle. The Royal Palace.

Suppose I must go there. After all, how may I resist such a piece of new territory?

He leaves the throne room & orders the servants to pack his things for the journey.

Eventually, the sails rise & the people wave goodbye to the king. He will be gone for a while but the Empire will stay strong.

Over on the ocean blue waters, the white sails blow and move as the wind whips the boats. He is in his study right now formulating a plan.

He knows there are natives on those islands. That was no problem though. But if there were people, there could be a ruler. And he has to prepare for that too.

He could just take the land by force but something told him that if he underestimated the natives, he might end up like Magellan. So that won't do.

Then it hits him, like the wind hits the sails of the Galleon ship he is on. If not brute force, then deception could work. He could gain the natives trust and then take the place slowly from the inside. Useful or not, land is still land after all, not to mention it was on his side of the globe.

"Sire, we are almost there to the land." A servant says to him. He acknowledges quietly and dismissed the servant.

Finally Spanish Empire thinks as the clouds seemingly clear up and the land is there on the horizon.

And it would soon all be his. Soon.

. .  .

Perla. She took care of these islands for years alongside her husband Kati. She tended to the land which made it flourish with life.

She was walking down the beach when she saw brown ships up on the shore and men in metal step down and into formation.

She then saw someone who was most likely there leader get down onto the shore. He wore white clothing, some gold here and there, a red sash. But what was most striking was the object on his head. A crown lined with gold and silver.

He noticed her and bowed respectfully.

"My name is Spanish Empire. And who might you be?" He asks introducing himself.

Perla looks at this stranger and sees the ships lined up across the shore. She decides to answer.

"A-My name is Perla. It's nice to meet you." She says smiling.

"Do you rule this land?" The stranger asks.

Perla nods. She smiles and leads the stranger to the village.

- - -  - 

Spanish Empire thought this was to easy. Gaining trust just like that?

Looking onward he saw many wooden houses, farms and people bustling around. His guards made sure to keep an eye out for danger.

He then notices Perla waving to someone. But before he can object, the person she was waving too was shooting daggers-no more like swords to him.

Perla doesn't notice this and pushes Spanish Empire closer so he can meet this new face. It doesn't take long for him to notice this man was the leader as well. He had a KKK symbol on his face.

He wore a simple white shirt and brown pants but his main feature was his red scarf tied around his neck.

But more than that, the seemingly untouchable Empire, seemed weak.

"This is my husband KKK, or Kati for short! I hope both of you will get along." She says happily. She hears someone calling for her so she excuses herself to help somebody & the Empire also dismissed the guards as to not seem suspicious earlier.

He quickly composed himself and introduced himself once more.

"My name is Spanish Empire. It's nice to meet you KKK." He says, holding up his hand. The man in front of him takes it albeit cautiously.

"You don't trust me, do you? We only just met and it seems you want to kill me already." Spanish Empire notes jokingly.

The man just rolled his eyes and finally speaks. His voice is deep yet light. It's like a violin's music.

"Sorry. But since Perla trusts you, I have to show you around the place." He simply says before dragging him away.

Spanish Empire was dazed.

It was if he shut down for a moment.

How very...


How interesting indeed. Perhaps I'll stay longer than intended.

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