The Two Letters

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America was preparing for a WWNM (WorldWide Nations Meeting). For this time, he was the one chosen to host this event that happens every year. He started sifting through different papers to try and organize this event. Soon his brother Canada came busting in.

"Hello bro! Wassup!" He said
"Yo Canada!"
"Your the one assigned to host this event this year right?"
"Yeah but I don't like work. It's boring."America complained
"Hey I don't know maybe an interesting country will come this year~" Canada teased
"Ha. I doubt it."
"Suit yourself." Canada said as he left.


UN and ASEAN were discussing in their office. "We have sent invitations to every country." UN said. "Yeah but still... HE hasn't attended this meeting for 6 years already. I'm not sure he'll come tho." ASEAN replied sighing. This country was the kindest and most forgiving in probably the whole world but never attended the meeting in over 6 years. This time he has to come. He will come, hopefully. He just hoped that he would accept his invitation.


Phil was currently tending to his fields in his house. His crops were ready to be harvested and he just finished and he was now taking a break. He sat in his hammock and laid their until he heard a knock at the door. He got up and answered only to find a delivery man standing there. "Philip right?" He asked "This is him." "There is a package for for you." He said revealing a box sealed with tape with stamps on it. He knew that this was important. Phil took and and closed the door and carefully opened it. He saw two letters one colored red and one colored blue. He decided to open the blue one first.

Dear Brother,
Hello it's me Martial and Del writing from military camp. These soldiers were quickly whipped to shape by us! By the way, military camp is already over so we are coming back from Mindanao. We miss you.

Love, Your Brothers

P.S (Martial) Remember is someone hurts you,don't hesitate to rip their heart out!

P.S.S (Del) Yep don't worry. We will always protect you!

Philip read the letter and his heart leap up in joy. His brothers were finally coming home! He was so excited. But he still had one more letter to read. He opened the scarlet envelope and began to read.

Dear Philip,
We formally invite you to attend the WWNM that will take place next in May 15. Pls attend this time. It's been 6 years already.

Signed, ASEAN and UN

Phil signed and closed the letter. He heard about this meeting. He just didn't feel like going the last years. But this year, he will go. 'Fine' he thought.

Then he realized something. His brothers would come at the same time the meeting would commence in America so hey! Why not bring them along to introduce them all? What can go wrong?

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