Chapter 51: The Good Guys

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"Oh my God... oh my god," she cried. Cortez has never killed a woman but something told him she would pull a Karen. They saw her struggling to crawl for what looked like a phone. Kasey walked back shooting her in the back. The both of them stood there looking at her lifeless body. " Damn Mr. Perfect I ain't think you had it in you" Cortez laughed. "When it comes to my family I'll do anything," he said. The both of them left as if nothing happened. They got back in the car. "One down two more to go," Cortez said.

"That nigga Markel really stole from us... and thought he was going splurge with that white bitch" Cortez laughed.

"That nigga was trippin'" Kasey said putting another location in their backup phone. Cortez called Ricky to get an update on tonight.

Ricky answered the phone but couldn't focus because Morgan and Josie began bickering back and forth. "Yo, everything okay? Cortez asked

"Man I'm getting a feel of this family life to the 10th degree... but wassup is it done? He asked

"Yeah, we handled it... are you and Dreux still going to that spot tonight? He asked

"Yeah after we look at these homes we'll head out there," Ricky said stressed. Cortez could tell there was a lot of commotion going on so he decided to call him back later.

"I don't know what your problem is little girl but you better fix it. Im so sick of your attitude you don't have a damn thing to be mad about it" Josie scoffed.

"Im, not a robot either you keep treating me like im still 5 im not a kid anymore," Morgan said

"Morgan settle down-

"She keeps blaming me for everything.. this is so dumb" she argued

"Yoo Morgan imma need you to be quiet. I know that you're upset but you're not going to disrespect Josie in front of me or at all" Ricky said

"I'm not being disrespectful tho" she snapped back

"Did you not hear me? He raised his voice. Surprised Morgan didn't say anything he's never raised his voice at her ever and it took everything in her not to cry. Ricky hated being all authoritative but it was too much he had to put his foot down.

They arrived at the open house and all of them stepped outside. Angry Morgan put her AirPods back in.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Santana and you young lady"

Morgan didn't say anything she tended to her phone. "Hello," they both said in unison. "I'm sorry Ms. Paris can you give us a second? Ricky asked.

"Yeah no worries take your time," she said walking towards the door. Ricky turned around "Hand me your phone" Ricky said

Morgan looked confused taking her airpod out


"Hand me your phone and AirPods" he demanded. Morgan looked over at Josie to intervene. "Don't look at Josie.. hand me it" he said. Morgan began crying handing over her things. "Why are ya'll being mean I didn't even do anything. She cried which made Josie start to cry because she was already emotional feeling like she can't understand her sister these days.

"Ya'll gotta be kidding me," Ricky said

"Go to the car," he told Morgan. "I want to see the house-

"Now you want to see the house... you didn't even greet the lady that spoke to you" he said

"I didn't hear her" she explained

"That's your problem you always on that phone... go to the car," he told her. She turned around sadly walking back into the car.

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