Sebryan: Cringey pickup lines pt.3

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Hey, guys! I know it's been forever and I'm sorry but honestly I just haven't felt like doing anything besides binge watching Supernatural (now finished) and Miraculous (ongoing). But I'm back, hopefully. Anyways, hope you enjoy!-Was

Seb had this thing where he would be scrolling through pinterest and he would find a pickup line that he would later use on Ryan.

"Hey, Ryan!" Seb called out.

Ryan turned back around, "What."

"Did you know there is 21 letters in the alphabet?"

Ryan looked annoyed, "No, you dumb fuck. There's 26."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot U R A Q T."

Ryan just sighed and walked on.

Seb smiled and said to himself, "I'll find the perfect one. It's just a matter of time before he falls for me."


Seb was following Ryan everywhere not only because he wanted to be with him but also because it was crucial for his pickup line.

Ryan, finally annoyed with him, glared at Seb, "Why the hell do you keep following me?"

Seb smiled, "Because my mom told me to follow my dreams."

That cracked a tiny smile from Ryan before he shook his head and flopped face down on the couch.


Seb smiled at Ryan, "You know why you were born on a rainy day?"

Ryan decided to humor him, "No, why?"

Seb's smile grew wider, "God was crying because an angel left heaven."

Ryan smiled slightly, "Or maybe it was raining because even heaven itself knew I was doomed to have no happiness."

Seb looked offended, "I'm right in front of you, you know."

Ryan blinked, "And what about it?"

Seb frowned, "Haha. You're hilarious."

Ryan gave a wide fake smile, "I know I am."

Seb rolled his eyes and finished his food.


Ryan was chilling on the couch with his phone when Seb came up to him.

"Hey, Ryan. Have you heard about "The matter baby?"

Ryan frowned, "What's the matter baby?"

Seb grinned, "Nothing, I'm fine thanks for asking."

It took Ryan a minute to realize what happened.

Ryan shook his head and put an arm behind his head, "Sebastian Moy. Sebastian Moy. You need to come up with better pickup lines."

"You gotta admit it. I had you there for a second."


Seb walked off while saying, "Oh don't you worry, I have plenty more to use."

"I guess I'll be waiting."


Ryan and Seb were laying on the couch, Ryan's legs in Seb's lap.

"Ryan, what does idk, ily and ttyl mean?"

Ryan gave him a "are you kidding me" look, "I don't know, I love you, talk to you later."

"Okay, I love you too. I'll just ask Kane."

"Did you just-? Nevermind."

"Smooth, huh?"


Seb smiled, "One day."

Okay, so I know it's short. So sorry really but I'll get more published soon :) Anyways, have a good day/night!-Was

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