I know

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Hey, guys! So I'm gonna start making sebryan one shots. If you want to see my edits follow my tiktok @sebryan_edits. Don't worry my Solangelo shippers I promise updates are coming. I'm starting to write again so let's see how it goes. Anyways, hope you enjoy!-Was

Sebastian Moy. Sebastian Moy. That was his name, right? Yeah, yeah. It's Sebastian Moy.

Sebastian shook his head slightly and cleared his throat, "Nice to meet you Ryan, I'm Sebastian Moy. And this is my brother Oliver Moy." He said as he let go of Ryan's hand and pointed at his brother.

Ryan gave a small tight smile at Oli and him.

Ryan Nguyen.

This beautiful creature in front of him. This is the first time they are meeting face to face but Sebastian felt it right away like a click. Like the final puzzle piece fitting to show you the full picture.

Whether it was because of Ryan or the fact that his dream (he actually had one not the "I had always dreamed" but an actual dream) was coming alive.

He was finally doing something that made him feel in place with the world.

And for some reason he knew, he knew instantly that this is what he wanted to do, where he wanted to be. Now if he was talking about North Star Boys in general or Ryan he wasn't sure.

A/N: Seb isn't saying he's in love with Ryan or that instantly he knew he loved Ryan he's just saying he admired him from the beginning (just so no one thinks he's moving fast)

"Ryan is just a bit shy but once you get to know him, you'll want to get rid of him," Justin said laughing a little.

Without thinking Seb said, "Who would want to get rid of him?"

Darren made a choking sound, "Oh, you just wait and see. He's worse than me."

Justin pretended to get serious, "Now that's being dramatic."

Oli laughed, "Darren's that bad, eh?"

Before Justin could answer Regie and Kane (the last two people they were waiting on) came in.

Everything blurred together but he remembers looking over at Justin and Ryan to find Ryan was already looking at him.

He smiled at Ryan but Ryan just looked away and pretended to be interested in the conversation.

Seb was discreetly looking at Ryan when they made eye contact again.

This time Ryan held the gaze before looking down and walking towards him.

He stood there beside Seb just listening to the boys (new and old friends) argue over the best way to crack open a pecan.

Ryan looked over at Seb and said, "Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea."

Seb nodded with a smile, "Maybe it wasn't."

Ryan looked at him and opened his mouth to say something but Justin's voice came out.

Seb quickly sat up, "I wasn't asleep."

Present day Ryan looked at him, "So you just happened to be watching the movie with your eyes closed?"

"Yeah. Because I'm that guy," Seb said trying to act like he's been awake the entire time.

Justin scoffed, "You're the guy who picks the movie, gets excited about watching it and then falls asleep 30 minutes in."

Seb frowned, "I wasn't excited."

Ryan laughed, "You were begging us to watch it with you."

Seb smiled, "I didn't care about the movie. I just didn't want to be alone."

Ryan rolled his eyes while Justin said, "Aww."

Seb yawned with his hand covering his mouth, "What time is it?"

Justin said "I don't know. How about you get up and look?"

"Dang boy, he calling you lazy," Ryan said.

"Justin don't get me started on you," Seb said.

"What about me?" JP asked.

"You can't even bench 25, if I were you I wouldn't be talking."


"Boy, shut yo dumbass up. You look like a freaking twig, boy. Don't come for Phaniem."

"Damnn, you gonna take that Seb?"

"At least I don't look like Justin Bieber with a bad haircut."


"At least I don't look like Sid the Sloth."

Ryan was laughing and instigating while Justin and Seb were play fighting and yelling over each other.

"You can't come up with something that hasn't been used."

Justin was on top of Seb trying to push him down. Seb grabbed Justin by his waist and lifted him over his shoulder. (Justin was standing on the couch and Seb lifted him a few inches off the couch)

"Now who's a twig, huh? Now who's a twig?"

"You. Now let me down."

Ryan was still laughing, "Need help, JP?"

"What does it look like?"

Ryan looked at Seb, "Put him down."




"Sebastian Moy."

Seb sighed and let Justin fall back on the couch.


"He said let you go."

Justin looked at Ryan and Ryan looked at Justin. Together they attacked Seb.

"Hey! That's okay. I can take 2 at a time."

"Pause, bro. Pause."

Seb laughed and hit Ryan in the face with a pillow.

They were all hitting each other with pillows, knocking things everywhere and insulting each other until Oli came in to ask what was all the noise.

"What the-?" Oli asked.

They all stopped except Justin who hit Seb in the face with the pillow one last time.

Oli looked at them, "Who started this?"

Justin and Ryan pointed at Seb while Seb pointed at Justin.

"Justin did. He called me lazy."

"Oh, yeah. That is kinda true," Ryan said.

Oli shook his head smiling, "Well, we need Justin right now. So, that means you and Ryan get to clean up your room."

Ryan groaned, "I was gonna play Valorant."

"Well," Oli said, "you should've thought of that before you started throwing pillows."

When Justin and Oli left Seb turned to Ryan, "So where do we start?"

"You mean, "Where do you start?" Beacuse I didn't do this."

Seb said, "Technically you helped make the mess. It's only fair to help clean it too."

Ryan laid back on Seb's bed, "But I feel quite comfortable up here."

Seb sighed, "Okay. But remember this when I ask you for something."

"Hmm," Ryan said as he got comfortable.

Seb smiled at Ryan slowly falling asleep, "I love you."

Ryan smiled slightly, "I know."

Okay, so my first Sebryan oneshot. What did you think? I might make a full story but as of now it's gonna be one shots. Anyways, hope you gave a good day/night!-Was

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