Chapter Six 🔥

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Shuei had never slept on a wedge pillow before. It was supposed to help his dislocated shoulder, but he felt like was trying to fall asleep sitting up. The elevated position gave him the impression he was in a hospital bed.

He opened his eyes and looked towards his cell phone charging on the small desk through the darkness of the room. He had called Eisuke as soon as he got home with San to let him know that he was thinking of getting out of the contract. The call...did not go well.


It was a simple response from Eisuke, but it was response that angered Shuei. "Look, I made a mistake," he snapped. "I'm clearly not cut out for this job! Blame my immaturity, but I can't do this!"

"You can't leave," Eisuke responded bluntly.

"I can't leave?! What the hell do you mean I can't leave?!"

"Exactly as I said, Monbon-kun. You're not allowed to leave."


"I would recommend you read the terms and conditions of the contract you signed with your clients. One of the clauses specifically states that you are in a 28-day trial period, and you committed yourself to this job for the 28-day period. You are contractually obligated to stay in that house, be the landlord to your tenants, and be the Gatekeeper to the Gateway until you have your formal evaluation by the Inspector."


"The Inspector will evaluate your worthiness for your role and they will decide if you keep your job. If you pass evaluation, then you will remain the Gatekeeper for life."

"For life?!" Shuei almost shrieked.

"And if you fail the evaluation, you will be banished from this house and can't ever set foot inside of it again," Eisuke continued as though Shuei hadn't spoken.

"W-Wait a minute!" Shuei sputtered. "Kadokawa-san said that I'm the last Monbon! He said you guys need me to guard the Gateway!"

"I thought you didn't want this job."

"I don't! But despite the fact that you guys "need" me so much, I can still get thrown out?!"

"Yes. It is tradition since the Gateway was first built. Before, there used to be several Monbons living in the house. They would compete for the title as the Gatekeeper. Now there is only you."

"B-But why is this evaluation even needed if I'm the only one who can do this job?!"

"Because it is what is done."

"That makes no sense! What happens if I fail the evaluation?!"

"Weren't you planning on leaving anyways, Monbon-kun?"

"Just shut up!" he responded.

"Goodnight." and Eisuke ended the call.

"Ugh." Shuei thumped his head against the wedge pillow and glared at the ceiling. I signed that damn contract on the 20th. That means I'm stuck here until at least May 17th or 18th, whenever that Inspector show up. Why do I have the worst luck?!

Estrangement Syndrome (Estrangement Syndrome 1) ✅Where stories live. Discover now