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Esmè was worried over Grace. She knew how she had lost her baby. She knew how Grace was struggling with it all.

Esmè hated how Robert had caused their family so many problems. How he had caused her sister to lose her baby.

She knew how much Grace wanted to her own baby. And she felt bad for her sister.

Esmè walked out of her room. She smiled as she saw Carla. "Have you spoken to Grace?" Esmè asked.

Carla looked to her and smiled. "I did. You don't need to worry. She's okay. She's home and resting. I could kill Robert for this," she said.

Esmè smiled. "I don't think that you're the only one. I think Grace is thinking the same. I feel bad for her if I just told you earlier about Robert. They wouldn't have had that argument. And she wouldn't of lost the baby," she mumbled.

Carla looked to her and frowned, "Don't you dare blame yourself. I know it's hard. I do. But none of this is your fault. She may of lost the baby anyway. Grace is going through a hard time. And the last thing that she needs or wants is you blaming yourself," she told her as Esmè looked to her and smiled.

Esmè knew that Carla was right. And that she shouldn't blame herself.

But she knew that she needed to be there and try and be supportive to her sister. She knew that she was going through a hard time.


Esmè sat in the cafe. She smiled as Adam walked in and looked to her and smiled. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Esmè looked to him and smiled. "I'm okay. I was just thinking about things how they are hard. I could kill Robert for what he did to Grace," she said as she ran her hands through her hair.

Adam looked to her and sighed. "How is Grace?"

Esmè looked to him and shrugged. "She's okay. I mean she's struggling to accept it all. She was shocked over being pregnant. But she wanted it. I just feel bad. Cause I know she would have been a great mum," she told him.

Adam looked to her and smiled. "And she will be one day. She still has a chance. But she has you and Nick. So it will be okay," he said as Esmè smiled.


Esme got to Grace's. She smiled as she saw Grace sitting on the sofa and smiled. "Nick let me in. Are you okay?" She asked.

Grace sighed. "Not really. I know what he did to us. I want him to pay. I lost my baby. And if I can't hurt him, he will pay another way," she said as Esmè looked to her sister and frowned.

She was worried. "What do you mean?"

"Nick. He wants the restaurant back. And I am going to help do so," Grace said as Esmè frowned.

She knew that she was worried about her sister. How she wanted her to be okay.

But did Esmè have a reason to worry about her sister?

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