Chapter 6: Lend me a helping... arm?

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„You have betrayed us, Severus." growls the man behind the mask.

„I don't see how I could have betrayed you." answers Snape with pure hostility.

„The Dark Lord summoned us, and you were the only one not present at the meeting! You know very well, now is the time to give him our greatest support, since he's so weak! But you turned your back on him!" he spits, pointing his wand at my dear professor, and the blood in my veins start to boil. What the hell is he talking about? Is this retarded potatohead saying Snape is a death eater too? No, that can't be. Simply impossible.

„Yes, I sensed the call. But the Dark Lord knows exactly, my position doesn't allow me to disappear for a gathering. I thought you were also aware. But judging by your behavior, I doubt they informed you properly." hisses the potioneer, insulting the myrmidon. My thoughts freeze in their course as I hear the potion master's words. I can't believe my ears. I must be having a nightmare, maybe I didn't wake up entirely, because I refuse to believe this shit! Snape? A death eater?! What the fuck!

I stand behind the tree, mortified, as I listen to the conversation between these two. How on earth can he belong to the dark society, and play the entire school so slyly? How can he patrol Hogwarts' corridors when he's against everything good we stand for? I clench my hands into fists as I'm battling with myself over what to believe. Is this man truly evil? I've never seen him do anything particularly cruel to children, besides the fact that he's constantly a grump ball, but that's just part of his personality. Something smells fishy here. I'm instantly yanked back from my thoughts as I hear the death eater yell at Snape in the most threatening voice,

„I will not let a traitor walk among us! If you cannot show yourself when the Lord calls, then you're as good as dead meat! You don't deserve to wear the dark mark!"

Snape doesn't even have time to react, a slashing curse is launched at him, cutting in his flesh at his left upper arm, and ripping his limb off, separating it from the body. My heart stops as time seems to slow down around me, elongating my suffering of having to see the person I care for being defeated. I hear the blood curdling cry, and said limb falling to the ground, disappearing in flames, and the next moment blood splashes everywhere. The bastard throws a stun at the teacher for good measure, Snape losing consciousness in the same second, and the dark wizard is about to deliver a final blow to the potioneer, when I finally break out of my stupor and step out from behind the tree, surprising him.

Reducto!" I scream from the top of my lungs, with tears streaming down my face, witnessing the magic disintegrating the wizard in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing but dust and ashes behind. I run to the potion master, concern and horror squeezing my heart, it hurts like hell, I'm barely able to breathe as I kneel down to him, trying to examine his state.

„Professor! Professor, talk to me! Oh dear Merlin..." I choke out as I lay my head on his chest to hear his heartbeat.

The tears block my vision, I only see the crimson liquid flowing out of his open wound, just a nub remained below his left shoulder, the bastard tore his upper arm in half! I tear my robe apart, acquiring a longer piece of cloth, which I use as a tourniquet, tying it tightly around his nub. Grabbing his other arm, I struggle to lift him up, and place him on my back, heading back with him to the castle as soon as possible. The panic makes me forget that I could use levitation, and the adrenaline in my veins give me strength to carry him back inside. Each step with him puts a heavy stone on my heart, my tears flowing relentlessly, and I whimper to the starry sky to keep him safe and alive, Merlin's name like a mantra falling from my lips, asking nothing else in this world but to give me enough power to save him. Tears mix with small droplets of blood on the dusty ground, every step I take closer to the wooden gate, I remind myself that there's just a little distance left, encouraging my devastated body to lift my leg up and keep walking.

Punish me, Professor, I dare you.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang