{HAPPY NEW YEAR! Special chap} To see you shine...

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(A/n: Okay look I am back so yeah.)


Did I hear that right, that she wants to join me in this case?

In that moment I realized, it was too late. I was at the City Hall. Why did I bring her here, I regret my mistake.

Toshihori stood calmly outside the room as I entered the Mayor's room. "I hear we are going to have a new person joining us?" The Mayor spoke as she kept her cup down, You could hear a muffled 'Yes that's me!' at the door. I kick the door, making her silent. I could hear a slight groan after a few seconds.

"I apologize for that 'nuisance' back there." I speak louder, making Toshihori hear it. A muffled 'Hey!' comes from the door, I scoff as I hear that. I look at the Mayor's face to see, a confused look. 

"Sorry." "No, no. Call that 'guest' in." She says as she gets up. I open the door to let Toshihori.

She comes walking in, as she looks at me in a confident manner. "Hello! I'm Rei Toshihori!" She says as she bends a full 90 degrees. I could say that the Mayor must be trying to hide her laugh. "Yes, I know. Please sit Mrs. Matsushita." Her smiles fades and turns into a weak smile, as she walks slowly towards the Mayor. The Mayor notices how her smile changed. "Sorry, I mean Miss Toshihori." 

Toshihori looks at her and smiles, "No need to be sorry about. I haven't signed the divorce papers either way." she chuckles as she sits. "So you know the recent bomb incident yes?" "Yes, I was one of the survivors. Along with my children." She says. 

The mayor nods her head. She takes the paper of the hospital results of Toshihori and her kids. The mayor looks at her and looks back t the pages, she seemed confused. "So your well? Already?" She looked at Toshihori in a awe manner. I mean it's strange that she got well too fast to be honest, didn't even take a breath. If a head is injured that badly that it makes a patient go in a coma then she needs rest but let's just say she wants to protect her children. 

"It's strange if I'm being honest with you Miss. So suddenly you've arrived, registered your name and your children's and got yourself an apartment and your children's nursery interview is tomorrow. You've settled in quite fast." The Mayor spoke as she leaned forward with her hands folded on the table.

You could almost see at the corner of Toshihori's face a flabbergasted expression. Perhaps she has forgotten that even Mayors know what you buy and not. 

Toshihori sighs and looks at her in the most calmest expression. "I know it's strange. However I'm doing this for my family. Now you may ask me why I'm so obsessed with my family. Here's the reason, I'm a mother. I have responsibilities. I'm settling in for the protection of my kids. And before i had my family with me...before I was just a subject known as 'wife' and not taken seriously of my needs. When they came into my life....I forgot of my needs as a lady, or a wife. I realized I was a mother from then on. Please do understand I did it to protect my children..!"

The Mayor smiled and leaned back into her chair. "Yes, I do. However why do you want to join this case. You did study Law and Judiciary, not only that you joined the army. And it seems you were quite young but strong as it says in your report. I just want one reason why you want to join this case." Toshihori gripped her sleeves and spoke out again "The kids, the people. Their screams were not so easy to bear. I mean that's what you also might've heard right?"

The Mayor nods and gets up. "The year is almost about to end so why don't we start the next day hm?" Toshihori nods her head vigorously and stands up giving out a full 90 degree bow (How is she doing that wha-)  

A few minutes later

We reached home and as she entered you could feel an aura, an aura filled with worriedness.

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