I make my way to the garage, get into my car, and use Google Maps to find the address from the email. An hour later, I arrive in front of a huge mansion, and I can't believe my eyes. Is this really where I'm supposed to be? I pinch myself to check if it's real and then check the address again. Yep, this is definitely the right place!

At the mansion's gate, a security guard comes out and asks, "What's your business, Ma'am?" I reply, "I have a meeting with Mr. Ratan Das. Oh, and my name is Bhavya Bhanushali." When I say my name, the guard smiles, recognizing it. "Good day, ma'am. I'll open the gates in a moment." I thank him as he opens the gates and drive in, stopping at the mansion's entrance.

Stepping out of the car with my bag, another guard approaches me. "I'll park your car, Mam," he offers. How many security guards does this place have? I nod, handing him the keys to my car, and then turn my attention to the mansion's front door, where a man is waiting for me.

"Good morning, Miss Bhavya. I'm Aditya, Mr. Das's assistant," he formally introduces himself. "Good morning, Aditya," I reply, returning his greeting with a nod. "I'll lead you to Mr. Das's office. Please follow me." Aditya gestures for me to follow, and we head inside the mansion.

As we walk through the interior, I admire the intricate patterns on the walls, the grand paintings, and the high ceilings adorned with golden designs—a traditional Indian haveli. As we approach the third floor, my heart races with the realization that I'm about to meet my idol, Ratan Das. I rub my arm nervously, trying to calm myself down.

When we reach the office door, Aditya knocks, and I hear a deep, commanding voice say, 'Come in.'

Aditya opens the door, and I follow him inside. As I turn to close the door, I hear the same deep voice dismiss Aditya, "You can leave now, Aditya." The authority in his voice sends a shiver down my spine, and I can't help but feel a bit intimidated.

As Aditya exits the office, I thank him once more before turning my attention to the man before me. His voice sends a shiver down my spine as he speaks, "Miss Bhavya, it's good to finally meet you." When I turn to face him, I'm momentarily breathless. He's even more captivating in person—dark brown hair, chiseled jawline, and piercing grey eyes that seem to see right through me. What the hell, Bhavya, that man is nine years older than you!! Stop it!! "I- It's nice to meet you, Mr. Das," I manage to say, exhaling.

He chuckles deeply at my reaction and gestures for me to take a seat. "Please, call me Ratan," he says, holding the chair for me.

I sit down, placing my bag beside me as Ratan moves around the desk, his presence dominating the room. Leaning back in his chair, he begins speaking, his tone serious. "Before you begin this project, Bhavya, there are a few critical points you should be aware of." As he talks, I nod in agreement, feeling the weight of his words. There's something mysterious and commanding about him that I can't quite put my finger on.

"This project is unlike anything you've ever done before. I've spent the last three years looking for and working on this excavation site. This project means a lot to me. The team you'll be working with is made up of experts in the field. Don't worry, you'll have a great time working with them all. The rest will become clear when I show you the site," he explains, leaning forward, his expression unreadable.

I sit there, absorbing his words, feeling a sense of gravity to the task ahead. "Sir, I read in the file that this excavation site is related to your family," I venture, watching his eyes light up with a glint of intrigue. "Bhavya, I must say you're very smart, just like your boss told me. Yes, the site is related to my family. During your work, you will learn more about how and why it is related to my family. And what did I say about you calling me Ratan?" His tone holds a hint of command, reminding me of his earlier instruction.

Nodding in acknowledgment, I rise from my seat as he does, his presence commanding the room. "Now let's go to the site so you can meet your team and get started on your work. The car is ready for us," he says with a small smile, adding to his enigmatic aura.

"Of course, si-Ratan," I reply, catching myself before I slip up. We exit his office, and as we descend the stairs, I can't shake off the feeling of being under his watchful gaze. Reaching the car, he opens the door for me, a subtle gesture of his dominance. I thank him and slide inside, feeling his presence looming over me as he joins me in the car.

The driver starts the car, and we head to the excavation site.


(Ratan's Mansion above)

(Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you Ratan Das(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

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(Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you Ratan Das(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠). You all can feel free to imagine someone else in place of him.)

Hello lovelies,

Hope you are doing great!!!! Sorry for the late update. Anyway enjoy the story. I'll try to update as soon as possible. Okayyyyyyy byeeee!!!!

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

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See you in the next chapter. 🤎

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