Chapter 13

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Quick question, did you think my Agent 3 was an inkling or an octoling? For clarification, 3's an octoling with the curly tentacles hairstyle. Anyway, back to the story!

" W-What? Seriously? O-Okay...yeah, I'll meet you there.", Iris stuttered, then set down her phone. Then she covered her face while turning pink and sputtering out gay sounds.

" Who was that?", Pearl asked. 

" T-Three. She told me that we're going to be moving in with her!", Iris exclaimed. Marina smiled and laughed.

" Excited?", she asked.

" Yeah! And nervous, I mean, what if I do something wrong, and she hates me for the rest of my life? And then, I'll never see her again, and I'll be titled the WORST ROOMMATE EVER.", Iris gasped, holding her tentacles tight. 

She couldn't tell if this was a nightmare or a dream...

" AAA! And she said to meet up at 12:45. I got to get going!", Iris burst. 

" Oh, well, okay then. We'll see you soon?", Marina asked. Iris nodded and frantically left, heading for Ash's apartment.


Iris glanced at her phone. 

[Eight] Hey, can you send me the address of your apartment?

[Captain Three] Yeah, give me a sec...

[Captain Three] Here: Ink Avenue, 3547, 42


[Eight] Thanks!

Iris looked up. Yup, this was the place. Iris of course went there earlier to drop off her stuff, but this time around it was insanely nerve-wracking. 


" Well maybe it has to do with the fact that every day you wake up you're going to be in Ash's house...", Iris murmured to herself. She took a deep breath and-


Her heart raced, her thoughts wild, and her hands shaking. 

The door opened to reveal a very disoriented Captain.

" Oh! Hey Iris. Geez, you have no squidding idea how crazy it is to have 3, now 4, extra people in my apartment.", Ash said, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

" Oh yeah, Four, I mean, June lost her home, didn't she? She's also living with us?", Iris asked, curious. Ash sighed.

" Only until she can get her place back. Come on in."

Things were...surprisingly calm? 

Lily and Lupa were sitting on the floor by the couch watching TV, Lily extremely interested. Lupa however was taking a nap in her lap with gentle strokes running down her back. 

June and Harper were giggling about who knows what, and Ilyzia was exploring the household with the help of walls, sometimes bumping into things.

" Yall, I know I can hear things extremely well, but I'm still blind and I don't know this place very well!", Ilyzia exclaimed when she found herself with no walls to lean on. Iris rushed to her for assistance.

" I got you Ily!", she reassured, guiding the blind octoling back to a wall. 

" Thanks, I swear it's gonna take me about a week or something to get used to this place.", she grumpily said, raising her voice. 

" Don't worry, we'll figure it out."


" Hey, Ash? Do you know where I should put my clothes?"

Here's the situation if you were wondering:

Iris and Ash would be sharing the main bedroom, Lupa, Ilyzia, and Lily would be in the living room around the couch, and June and Harper would be in the guest bedroom.

Oh, and yes, Iris and Ash did have a gay meltdown when they decided to be in the same bedroom together...But back to the present!

Iris looked around. She was unpacking her things and needed to figure out where to put her clothes. Something caught her eye as she was about to get up to find Ash. She reached inside her bag and pulled out a little golden toothpick. She smiled warmly to herself. Ash had given the toothpick to her after the battle against Tar-Tar at the NILS statue. Iris tucked it behind her ear like a pencil and got up.

" Ash?", Iris called, trying not to be too loud. She didn't necessarily want to have an angry Lupa snap at her because she accidentally woke her up...

She exited the room into the living room and searched for Ash quietly, not wanting to disturb the sleeping Ilyzia, Lupa, and Lily who all drifted away into "Dream World" fairly early.

In the small kitchen? Nope.

In the closet?

" Well, technically she still is. I still don't know what she identifies as...well, I know she'll tell me on her own time.", Iris whispered to herself as she softly closed the door.

Laundry room? No.

She wasn't even gonna try to peek inside Harper and June's room. Good to know those two get along well though...

" Where...", suddenly, Iris spotted a door to a balcony she didn't even know existed. She opened the door and had to hold back a gasp. Ash's apartment was fairly high up, so it had a great view of Splatsville. 

" Need something?"

Iris swiveled around in shock a bit too quickly and nearly lost balance. 

" Did I spook you again?"

" Geez, Ash, you really gotta stop scaring me like that!"

Ash was leaning on the railing, laughing. Iris blushed and smiled, bumping Ash in her side.

" What?", she asked, catching Iris's stare.

" I don't usually see you laugh often. It's a nice thing to listen to."

" OH MY COD, you're such a sap."

" It's one of the great perks of being a poet!"

" Yeah, I know..."

The two went into silence, leaning on the rails together, staring up at the night sky. Stars dotted the black inky sky, the moon shining down onto the world below. The two suddenly started to chat, talking the night away. It was only later that they decided it was time to hit the racks. Iris was so tired, she flopped onto the bed and fell asleep instantly. Ash may or may not have had a gay panic attack, but eventually, she fell asleep too.

And that's that!

...OR IS IT?!

In another universe, things are very different. Things did not take a happy turn. But that's a different story, for a different day.

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