Chapter 9

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Three did not expect a sleeping octoling to stay on her for so long. She had woken up 10 minutes ago and didn't dare move, she feared otherwise that she would wake up Eight. But she was glad that she stayed because Eight was mumbling things under her breath and was curling in on herself. 

" Again with the nightmares?", Three whispered. She took hold of Eight's hand and smiled warmly to herself. She couldn't stay too mad at the octoling for too long. Eight relaxed and went back to her peaceful sleeping. 

" Thank you... strange fluffy creature.", Eight mumbled. Three's heart skipped a beat, and her face turned slightly orange. She didn't know if she could deny the fact any longer. But she held it in and frowned. Why does Eight make her feel things that she has never felt before? She pushed back those thoughts and unknowingly pulled herself closer to Eight. 

"I'm not even supposed to be awake right now, it's way too early...", she mumbled to herself, before shutting her eyes. But she couldn't go back to sleep, no matter how hard she tried. Then she heard Eight humming a song. Three recognized it immediately, it was "Into The Light", Eight's favorite. It was soft and melodious, just what Three needed. And before she knew it, she drifted into a dream.

It was quite a strange dream. Everyone was back on the helicopter lift, the time after Eight had defeated Tar-Tar along with Pearl and Marina. She had just woken up, and saw the octoling smiling warmly at her, giggling warm-heartedly. But everything started to flicker and glitch out, slowly transitioning into a black void. Three stood alone staring into the abyss. She jumped when a voice called out.

" The perfect ending. Don't you think?", a pause.

" Well, don't believe it for too long. Because it ALL LIES.", the voice yelled, frightening Three.

" Now, don't be scared...I don't bite, usually.", the voice called, a figure stepping out of the darkness and behind Three. She swerved around to see...Eight. Just 10x creepier. Her eyes were solid black, with a bright teal iris, her clothes tattered and beaten. She had a strong blue tint to her skin. Cuts and gashes were all over her, and she was bleeding constantly. 

" You turned me into this. This is all you're fault. And whether you like it or not, this is what should've happened. The world you're living in is a lie, all because of you. You're Eight hates you on the inside, all because of you. Everyone neglects you, and that's all your fault. And, oh shell! I nearly forgot about the part where you want to love Eight. Oh but you won't! Or, at least, she would NEVER love you back. Stop denying it, and face the facts. Besides, you can't live in a dream you're whole life. Wake up and face the music, and stop pretending. We can all see, right. Through. You.", she said stepping closer with every sentence. Tears were running down Three's face, and the floor suddenly opened up underneath her, even though it was nothing but darkness. She fell and fell, and she started to feel like she was being burned alive. She looked at her fingers, slowly turning blue. And she tried to stop it, but nothing worked. She cried out and everything was still just going down. Just falling and falling in constant pain. Three tried to recenter herself and saw the ground rapidly coming towards her. And as soon as she hit the ground, her eyes shot wide open. No more falling, no more darkness, no more pain, no scary Eight. Wha...WHAT KIND OF NIGHTMARE WAS THAT?!

" Three? Are you alright?", Eight asked concerned. Three somehow had switched roles with Eight. She was now leaning on Eight's shoulder and was holding her hand in a tight grasp. Three steamed and managed to stutter out a few words.

"Y-yea, I'm fine. Just... a really crazy nightmare. It's nothing.", she said, but Eight didn't buy it.

" Well, it's obviously nothing. Look, this conversation is between you and me. Nobody else. What's wrong?", Eight demanded. Three gave up when she looked into the octoling's eyes full of concern. 

"I...I don't know what's happening Eight. These reactions are starting to haunt me. I can't control any of it. I don't know what to do. I'm always constantly afraid that I'm going to hurt you. I'm afraid I'm going to hurt everyone! I want it to all go away. Why can't it go away?!", Three cried out. Eight frowned and pulled Three into a hug. 

" I don't know, but...I'm not going to abandon you anymore. I don't ever want to be away from your side. I'm going to be here, and we're gonna figure this out together.", Eight whispered. Three hugged back and turned bright orange. 

"I don't want to leave your side either, Eight.", she replied smiling to herself. A voice in the back of her mind yelled out. 

"GAY GAY HOMO GAY.", it yapped and screamed.

" TELL HER NOW. TELL HER NOW!!!", it continued, repeating those words over and over. 

" Eight?"

" Yes?"

" Remember when I said I don't know what's happening?"

" Of course."

" I don't know what's happening."

"...What do you mean?"

" It's not just the reactions that I'm confused about."

" What? What's wrong?"

" You."


" Yea, I don't know why but... you make me feel things I've never felt before. The longer you're away, the more I want to see you. You make me feel strange on the inside, and I don't know why. You make my heart flutter every time you smile, and you amaze me in so many different ways."

" Three...Are you saying what I think you're saying?", Eight said softly, pulling away. 

"...I don't know.", Three replied quietly, standing up. She rubbed the back of her head and there was a wonderful, peachy, orange shade across her face. Eight smiled and blushed. She stood up and held Three's hand. Eight stood at least half a head taller than Three and towered over her a bit. 

" Well, I guess I don't know either.", she said and kissed Three on the cheek. Both of them turned bright colors and Eight stuttered. Three stared back with wide eyes.

" I...u-uh, I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't ask! Y-you must hate me now!", Eight stuttered, her hands over her face. Three laughed, which shocked Eight. 

" Hate you? Gee, you wish. ", Three replied, smiling. She returned the favor and kissed Eight right back on the cheek. Eight smiled and laughed, hugging Three afterward. 

" Four can never know, she'd be going crazy if she found out.", Three said, looping her arms around Eight's neck. Eight giggled.

" That's true!", she exclaimed. They stared into each other's eyes for a bit.

" It's not wrong to say 'I love you' now, is it?", Eight asked. Three smiled.

" Nah, I don't think so.", she replied. Three felt a sense of reassurance like someone had literally lifted the world off her shoulders. Finally, she could be at peace with herself at something.

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