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"Uhmmm where are we going?" Virat asked as the two strangers took him along the hallway.

"Well, we need to keep our guitar in our room, Virat before we go to class.We don't really fancy being asked 20 questions and if that professor is there,then he surely will so yeah. " AB answered Virat.

They walked a few more steps and they reached their room.

"Sorry, it's a bit messy here." Faf said as he opened the room.

"It's okie. My room is pretty much the same and so is Rohit. Jammy bhai keeps scolding us for that." Virat rambled, quick to reassure them.

Faf chuckled at the rambling boy in front of them not catching on to the name.

"You're too cute man." He said fondly but Virat seemed to take awful offense at that.

"I'm not cute and all. I'm handsome!" he said adamantly.

"You sure are handsome, but you're more cute." Faf said teasingly.

"I-" Virat was ready to argue.

"Can we continue this inside?" an exasperated AB asked as he looked at his best friend and Virat.

"No! I won't move from here until he says that I am handsome!" Virat stated folding his arms across his chest.

Faf mimicked him and leaned against the door frame. Virat glared at him.

AB just sighed and slapped his bestfriend on his head.

"Hey!" Faf protested but AB just glared at him and he backed away.

"Now are you going to come in? Or do I need to carry you in?"

"He didn't say that I am handsome!" Virat pointed out.

AB just rolled his eyes and went to put the guitar away. Faf just smirked.

"What are you smirking at?" Virat asked annoyed.

"Just seeing how long it takes to ware you out."

"You'll have to wait a long while then... I can do this all day."

"Hey! Did you just quote Captain America!?"

"Words pe mat jao, feelings pe aao" Virat said pouting.

"What?" Faf asked confused.

"Nothing-" Virat started to answer when AB suddenly pulled both of them inside the room and locked the door.

"Hey!"both of them protested but AB just shushed them.

"The warden is coming on rounds. I just saw him coming towards the building. Your arguing will get us caught. " AB scolded. He was not the one to break rules but when he did, he left no traces that would point back at him.

"So we'll have to wait for him to go?" Virat asked.

"Yes sir." Faf replied.

"I'm not talking to you!" Virat declared and went to sit with AB. Faf kept a hand on his chest and acted like he was offended while AB just rolled his eyes and smiled at their exchange.

They heard footsteps outside on the corridor.

"Virat! Hide under the bed!" AB said urgently.

"What? Why?" Virat asked.

"Because this is how we treat people who enter our room." Faf snarked.

"Faf! Please do shut up for some time!" AB told his bestie as he saw Virat's eyes darting around.

"Virat, the warden might come inside the room seeing that the door is not locked from the outside and explaining your presence here will not be easy."

"Oh okie. But there are hopefully no spiders under there though!" Virat said.

Faf heard the footsteps coming closer,so he decided to take charge and stop the teasing for some time.

"There are no spiders down there, I promise." He reassured.

Virat looked at him and smiled and then realised that he was supposed to be mad at him.

"I'm still not talking to you though!"he said.

"Hey! I was being nice!" Faf exclaimed.

"Can't the two of you settle this when we are not at the risk of getting caught?" AB asks irritated.

"Aye aye sir!" Faf replied and Virat quickly got under the bed.

"Faf! Lie down on the bed!" AB said after Virat had gotten under the bed.

"What! Why?" Faf asked confused.

"Cause I want to sleep with you. Idiot! We need a reason as to why we are here too. So the warden does not get suspicious."

"I still can't understand what me lying down on the bed has to do with it?"

"Cause you are going to act sick! And I being the caring bestie am staying here instead of attending classes to take care of you."

"Wait! Why am I acting as the sick guy? Can't I be the caretaker?" Faf asked following AB as he was arranging for the wet cloth.

"Because, genius, I came up with the idea. Also, I was the one who played the patient last time,remember? So this time it's yours."

"Fine! I'll do it!" Faf replied sulking. His friend made sense and he hated it when he did.

"Thank you so much for your cooperation sir!" AB replied sarcastically as Faf lied down on the bed.

"Ayee it's cold! Be a little considerate!" Faf said which was royally ignored as AB placed the cold cloth on Faf's head.

"I feel like a burrito!" Faf complained as AB smothered him with a blanket. Yeah, he was really going an extra mile to make it look real.

"You look like a burrito Faf!" AB laughed at his best friend's complaint.

"I wanna see him looking like a burrito too.I'm getting bored under here!" Virat whined.

"Hush you!" Faf snapped as Virat laughed.

"Can you guys like stop? For five minutes? You're just going to blow our cover." AB sighed.

"Bro! Are you doubting my acting skills?" Faf asked acting offense.

"Are you doubting my hiding skills?" Virat piped in.

"Shut up both of you. Just don't over do it! " AB ordered.

"Says the man who made me look like a burrito." Faf mumbled as Virat chuckled under the bed.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Coming!" AB answered as he went for the door.

"Good afternoon sir!" AB greeted politely when he saw the warden standing at the door.

"Why are you brats here and not in your class, may I ask?"the warden annoyingly asked peeping into the room.

"Sir,Faf fell sick last night,so I thought to stay back and help him." AB said in a convincing tone.

"He is sick!" the warden asked stepping into the room.

"Yes sir."Faf punctuated with a cough and acted like he was breathing with a lot of difficulty.

"He keeps getting into a coughing fit when he talks for too long sir!" AB added sadly while Faf sent tragic looks to the professor.

"Ugh kids these days don't eat healthy food and then get sick! In my days we used to eat whatever our moms used to make and we were never sick. You kids eat Madconalls and Margaret pizza and then get sick."

"Sir, its Mcdonald's and Margeritha pizza." AB corrected.

"I don't care about any Donald duck or Mariposa or Maragaret! All I know is you young blood are wasting time eating all this and getting sick. Learn something from me. I don't eat all this and get sick."

"But sir,weren't you in the hospital with a cold last week?" Faf asked in a fragile voice, still keeping up with the act but he was getting annoyed with that professor's non sense logic. Like,who got sick after eating pizza? And how dare someone insult pizza and burger in front of him?

However,he thought that he should stop and take the back seat when he saw his bestfriend glare at him and the professor scrutinising him.

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