Next To Candle Light(Your Smile Is The Brightest) (🎀)

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Chapter 2: Puppy Love


Here's a little sequel! Behold some domestic family fluff! A little peak into Harry and Louis' world with their pups!

Chapter Text


Louis picked up the squealing pup attached to his leg as soon as he entered the doorway.

“Hey bug, where’s daddy and your sister?”

The pup dug his nose into Louis’ neck, cuddling in closer as Louis held him on his hip.

“In th’ nest,” he mumbled, letting out a yawn.

“Ah, why’d you wake up from naptime, love?”

The pup just shrugged his shoulders.

“Missed you,” he mumbled.

Louis smiled, kissing the crown of his baby’s head. Eli was the eldest, but not by much. It was true that twins ran in Louis’ family, but he never had expected it to happen to him.

“C’mon, let’s go upstairs, love.”

Louis gently guided Eli to the floor and took his hand as they ascended the staircase. He was growing by the day and carrying him for too long proved to be quite a workout, one he didn’t want to practice, especially up stairs.

“Shh,” Louis whispered to Eli, keen on him not waking up Harry and Liv.

Liv was the smaller pup, a minute younger and shyer than Eli. She was a daddy’s girl, had Harry wrapped around her little finger. The splitting image of him too. Her dark brown hair curled down and around her ears whereas Eli’s hair fell short and fluffy like Louis’.  Harry and Liv were wrapped around each other in the pups nest. For now the pups shared a room and a nest as young as they were. They knew the time would come when they would have to look for bigger lodging, more rooms to grow and a yard for play.

Harry adopted the role of stay at home dad quite quickly, whilst Louis enjoyed getting out and about, especially after his pregnancy left him feeling cooped up too often. Louis enjoyed his job but missed his pups whenever he was away. Seeing them get bigger and more independent warmed his heart but also made him ache. He longed for the days gone by when he was holding the tiny pups in his arms, swaddled and warm. The more he thought about it, the more emotional he got, wondering if he was getting close to his heat.

Eli crawled in, cuddled up against his sister as Louis’ cuddled up against Harry. Louis nuzzled into the nape of Harry’s neck and let out a deep sigh.

“Mmm,” Harry mumbled groggily, sensing his mate behind him.

“Shh,” Louis cooed, not wanting to wake him.

“Baby,” Harry murmured. He gently tucked Liv into Eli’s arms, trying his best not to wake her.

Louis cooed as the pups curled around each other. He really had the best pups. He sniffled as his eyes began to water once again. Harry cupped Louis’ cheek softly and planting a kiss on his lips.

“Alright love?” Harry whispered.

Louis shook his head ‘yes’ but still the tears began to fall.

“Cuppa?” Harry asked and Louis agreed.

They walked down the stairs, hand in hand.

“Go rest on the couch, love. I’ll bring the tea.”

“And biscuits?” Louis asked with a smile.

“And biscuits,” Harry replied, giving him a kiss on the head before walking off into the kitchen.

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