The Past | 15

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"How are you feeling, Uraraka-san?" the girl's petite figure was barely noticeable in the corner of Ahane's eyes, the talkative Uraraka was no longer present, with only the vrooms of cars filling the air between them. 

Uraraka gave a tiny nod, "I'm...fine, sorry you had to witness all of that, Ahane-kun." she faced Ahane with a weak smile. "And thank you for saving me." 

She was definitely not okay, even Ahane who possessed little knowledge of socialising knew that. Midoriya appeared to share the same thought, "I didn't know Uraraka-san had people bothering her like that..." the ghost boy looked guilty, his body drooping down with contrite. Ahane shot him a look of confusion, where was this illogical guilt coming from? He could never truly understand this boy, not in a long while.

"Those people...did something happen between you and them? If you don't mind me asking." Ahane wasn't afraid to go straight for the main point, he was glad that Uraraka understood his straightforwardness as her reluctance last only but a few darting blinks.

She sighed, one hand clutching onto her arm. "It's a long story...but I guess I owe you an explanation." 

They arrived at a nearby park, Uraraka figured it would be nicer to tell Ahane the whole story comfortably sitting down on a bench. "Those two girls..." she took a deep breath, "They had been saying stuff like that to me for a while now, ever since I was in the same middle school with them." 

The beaming sun rays diminished with time, cotton candy clouds shrouded the sun in its empyreal ballet. Uraraka let herself be endorsed in the faint laughter of children echoing in the park, the white noise was the perfect setting for her to express those feelings lying dormant inside her.

"They were sort of the popular girls in my school — they're rich, pretty and had the brains, the kind of people everyone wanted to be friends with, and I was the complete opposite of them." she laughed, it wasn't her usual cheery laugh. "I guess that was one of the reasons why I became their target."

"I wasn't really bothered by it, since they never got physical, it was really all bark no bite." she spaced out. "But then they heard about me applying to UA, and mocked me about it. Said that I would never get in, not with my trash quirk." 


Ahane kept quiet, Uraraka took the silence as her cue to carry on. "But that actually motivated me, I wanted to prove them wrong, that I could get into the hero course even with this quirk of mine." She stared at her hands, the pink hue of finger pads sparked recollections. "I just didn't expect them to go all the way here, just to mock me once again..." a slight tremble faint yet evident to Ahane. He tilted his head skywards; the array of clouds slowly morphed into a darkish grey, it only took one drop to take notice of the overcast weather.

Uraraka gasped, "It's raining, we should-"

Before the girl could get up and find shelter at a close by shop or cafe, a huge block overshadowed the bench, creating a roof to shade them from the pitter patter of the rain. The rectangular object projected a dim glow that show familiarity to the girl's eyes. 

She turned to Ahane, pointing at the object. "This..."

Ahane let the makeshift roof continue to suspend in the damp air, he added a thin pole connected it to the ground as well. He supposed a floating roof would be too eye-catching to passers-by. 

The boy watched as the raindrop trickled down the roof he made, "Well, you proved them wrong, didn't you?" Ahane interjected. "How kind of them, you should personally thank them for that." they dropped to the group with a satisfying sound.

Midoriya sighed at Ahane's sarcastic demeanour, he could only hope that Uraraka wouldn't be offended by his bizarre way of comforting people. 

"...I sure do owe them a thank you." she chuckled. Midoriya's stunned gaze gave away his internal thoughts right away, Ahane didn't expect the casual reply either. Uraraka averted her attention to Ahane's creation, "It must be nice to have a useful quirk like that." she grinned.

"I'm sure your quirk will do wonders in the future."

His look was vacant, it dwelled as her remark etched in his head. "Your quirk is useful as well, don't underestimate it." Ahane finally faced Uraraka, her round eyes gleamed with curiosity. "You'll be a great hero." that held more difficulty than he initially thought, it made him glance away at the awkward delivery. 

It earned an instant giggle from Uraraka, "Thanks, Ahane-kun." she lounged with her shoulders relaxed. "I get it now when YaoMomo said that you're a nice person." the edges of his lips lifted with contentment. Her bubbly spirit seemed to return now; she scooted closer to Ahane. "Maybe you should teach me close combat then, you were awesome fighting Bakugou-kun and Kirishima-kun!" she was radiating the same energy level as Kirishima, not surprising at all.

Ahane hesitated, "Is that so..." if it wasn't heavily implied enough, he wasn't the best teacher, it was never his forte to teach people. But this was a once in a lifetime chance, he mulled for a while, trying his best to ignore Uraraka's anticipated stares.

"I..." he sighed, "Just one lesson, it'll be more than enough." his non-existent resolve only lasted for a few seconds, Uraraka clapped with excitement as Ahane heaved another tired sigh. He peered at Midoriya, those shining eyes were never the more bedazzling.

He perked up, "I'm looking forward to your lesson too, Ahane-kun!" Midoriya of course was just as excited as Uraraka, what did he expect?

"I don't teach well, you shouldn't expect much."

"Yes sir yes! Don't worry, I'll be the best student you'll ever have." 

"That's not-" Ahane sweatdropped, he halted midsentence with his nose scrunched up. "Think however you like." Every last drop of his energy was drained, and thinking about how on earth he would give Uraraka training lessons was making it ten times worse. 

Midoriya chuckled to himself at the scene of Ahane dreading his days of training lessons. To him, Ahane's frustrated expressions were way better than his usual monotone face. He hovered, the raindrops going through him and forming a puddle below his feet, a reflection of the misty sky replaced his own. His gaze faltered, at least he wouldn't need to worry about getting drenched ever again now. 


"Hey, Ahane-kun...what did you think about the whole thing?" 

They were at last back in their dorms, and Ahane's head was already buried deep into his pillow, charging his internal battery. He gave a half-hearted grunt; Midoriya hummed in response. "Yeah, I agree. She's not telling the full story." he ruminated over it. "Maybe it's something too personal to tell someone she just met."

Ahane rested his chin on the cushion, "Those two girls held a deep grudge against Uraraka-san, it didn't seem like a simple jealousy over her acceptance to UA." both his hands dug below the pillow, feeling its warmth from underneath. 

"Uraraka-san..." Midoriya recalled her horrified face when confronted by the two students, those shaking hands were unmistakable to him. "Maybe we're overthinking it? Perhaps those two were overreacting as well?" he suggested.

"Who knows? Anything's a possibility." 

His ghostly eyes followed Ahane as the boy let himself be absorbed by the soft bedding of his mattress, he supposed they should call it a day for now since tomorrow would be a busy day for Ahane. "That's true. Anyway, what you said to Uraraka-san...thank you for that" Midoriya added, "I'm sure she doesn't think badly of you now." he crossed his arms. "Kacchan still seems to despise you though..."

"I could care less about his impressions of me," Ahane said blankly, he was sure that anything he did would piss Bakugou off no matter what. It was an impractical move to even try to befriend him — it would only end in disaster on his end. So why waste that energy really?

"Kiro, you a nice kid. So promise me...don't be an asshole like me, alright?"

"..." His head once again facepalmed onto the pillow, its floral scent fluttered like the butterflies resting at the side of his window. Those pure white wings gave him reminders of what was once his. Perhaps it wasn't as impractical as he thought, but this was for future him to figure out. Now he just wanted to have a long rest.

Memories of the past were always tiring after all.

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