A Promise | 12

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"Dad! Can you teach me sign language?" 

White pupils focused on the cutting board, trailing the knife as it followed a pair of skilful hands, swiftly guiding the knife to where it needed to be. The air was accompanied by rhythmic cuts of potatoes and carrots; the delightful smokes of curry filled the room. "Oh? What's with the sudden interest?" his head not moving while his adorable child tugged on his shirt.

"I wanna talk to them!" the child exclaimed, each tug more forceful than the first. His eyes glinted with excitement — like a child begging for a toy. It was a sight to be reckoned with, Kazuko held in his desire to drop everything and give his cute son a whole photo shoot.

Gently dropping the ingredients into a big pot, he hummed at his son's request. "Are you sure? It won't be an easy journey." He warned. The curry rumbled in the heat, each bubble rising and popping before another continued the cycle. Kazuko knew well enough about the threats and risks of acquiring the ability to communicate with ghosts, he didn't want to obstruct his son's choice, nor did he want to put him in danger's path.

"Yup, super-duper sure!" giving way too many nods needed at his father's question. "You always talk to them, I wanna do that too." His eyes almost lit up instantly, seeing his father's moving the spoon towards him. He savoured the godly umami flavour of the curry, it only deepened the smile on his face.

"I wanna help them!"

A pair of not so rhythmic footsteps descended the stairs as if on cue. Pausing halfway to let out a big yawn, Hiyori rubbed her eyes groggily. "That smells heavenly, it's the only thing keeping me awake right now." her drowsy demeanour seemed to revive just a little by the flavourful aroma.

"Good morning to you too." Kazuko greeted his tired wife, his son's tiny yet swift body rushed towards Hiyori, engulfing her in a tight hug.

"Teach me sign language too, mom!" 

Her head in a slight tilt, she glanced at Kazuko, who was calmly preparing breakfast. She knew Kazuko wasn't too fond of the idea of their son talking to ghosts; Hiyori couldn't care less, honestly, she initially learned the language just so she could understand Kazuko more. She couldn't help but be curious about what was hidden behind her husband's warm smile whenever he signed to the air. Though sign language was more useful than she thought, now every time Hiyori was too exhausted for her own good, a quick moment of the hand was all she needed to convey her sentence. 

But Kazuko was someone who had interacted directly with the ghosty entities for a long enough period of time to know the dangers they possessed, perhaps he couldn't bear to witness the hardships their son had to face in the future. Hiyori couldn't possibly put herself in his shoes, plus, she could never dismiss Kazuko's apprehension just like that.

Hiyori bent down to her son's eye level, her hands gently resting on his shoulders. "Of course, dear. But this world is filled with different kinds of ghosts, they aren't all friendly. What would you do if you meet a bad ghost?" she asked, noticing the halting of Kazuko's hand that was stirring the curry.

Her son beamed, not a hint of fear evident on that glowing face. "Bad ghosts aren't always bad, even if they're bad, I'll be the hero that saves them!" his reply came out smoothly, almost like he had already prepared the answer beforehand. 

Hiyori reached out and patted her son's head, that answer was enough for her. Fondly caressing his hair, she once again glanced at Kazuko, she wondered what her husband thought of the answer. 




A faint smile.

She chuckled to herself, leaving her son staring blankly at her. It was as Hiyori thought, her son was like an exact replica of Kazuko, and today she found out that it wasn't only appearance-wise.

"Lessons start tomorrow," Kazuko interjected, his son's bright grin erasing his worries altogether. It was like seeing his past self, all excited about being a hero. Shutting himself in a room to indulge himself in books of sign languages, practising every gesture from early in the morning till late at night. He still remembered his first 'Nice to meet you' to a ghost, the shocked and eager face of his first ghost friend. His first reply to Kazuko would forever be engraved in his mind.


"You...can understand me?"

"Yes, I can. I take it I'm your first not ghost friend then?"


The sparkle in his eyes, the astonishment, that glitter of hope he sparked in his fellow ghost friend. That fulfilment he anticipated was finally completed; he find himself craving for more. Kazuko wanted to know each and every ghost's story, why they decided to stay in this world they don't belong to anymore. He wanted to save them, he wanted to become a hero for ghosts.  

It didn't matter how many obstacles he had to overcome, it even didn't matter when they warned him to forget about that "petite dream". He was a child with big ambitions, nothing could stop him. He didn't need their support; his ghost friend was there for him, and that was enough for young Kazuko.

That was how their ghostly journey started, they slowly learned about each other's worlds, both fascinated and hooked by the wonders of their universe. They shared secrets and memories for years, a ghostly friendship that he would never forget in a lifetime. He was-


"How could you do this? I TRUSTED YOU!"

"I'm- I'm sorry, ██████ they-"

"Spare me your dirty lies, you're just like ţ̴͕̠̰̥̃̆h̸͕̳̜͓̒͠͝͠e̵̹̕m̴͈̜̝̅͒ͅ


He...was no longer his dear ghost friend, not anymore. Kazuko pushed his memories behind, he would never want to see his son go down the same path he had to trudge through and escaped with his life on the line. That day, he faced the true nature of the world, the people; his views on everything had changed since that fateful day. 

That day, he could recall it with perfect clarity. The snow blazed through the night, the cold pricking tiny needles into his frozen skin. The silent wind cut through the air, intensifying the numbness on his fingers; the abnormal redness tainted with his tears. The howling gust carried his sobs and sniffs, shivering huffs and wheezes. The numbness seemed to travel to his mind, it paralysed his thoughts; his emotions conveyed nothing through those vacant eyes. The only thing that had an accurate reaction to everything was his heartbeat — chillingly beating with an intense tempo.

That day, truly shattered him. The young and innocent Kazuko, a part of him gone with the snow as it melted into the wooden planks, splinters stabbing his crimson knees. Sometimes he wished he wasn't ambitious, he wished he wasn't so curious about every little thing. Curiosity killed the cat, it killed that innocent mindset; that pure dream of his. 

He could never forget it, even if he wanted to.

"Really dad? You mean it?!"

Kazuko smiled, once again, his son's grin managed to disperse those painful and dark memories. "Of course, how could I say no to those puppy eyes?" he shook his head. It was alright, interactions with ghosts were never a bad thing, to begin with, they were the ones who corrupted his mindset of things. 

Everything would be okay, everything would be fine as long as they don't find out about his beloved son's quirk. As long as that quirk's existence is hidden, everything would be all right. His family's happiness, his wife's safety; his son's dream — all would be in good hands. 

He'll ensure history would never repeat itself, even if it cost him his life. 

A promise he swore to never break.

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