Chapter 9: Trespassers

Start from the beginning

Jaune nodded, "Of course I am," Jaune replied, "I'm afraid for you, Melissa, and Vernal,"

"But not you?" Oscar asked, "You're not afraid for yourself?"

Jaune looked at him, "I don't consider myself as important as you three," Jaune said with a slight smile, "Vernal, you, and Melissa are one of the most important things in my life, sure we've only known each other over mostly over a month, but your people I'd give my life for,"

Oscar felt better by his words, but they still stung, "but you're important to me too, I'd rather have you live than give up your life for me," Oscar replied, "Enough people have already left me," Oscar muttered

Jaune looked at Oscar and smiled, "Well then I'll make sure no one else leaves you," Jaune said.


"Arc's word,"

'Hehehe... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!' the Beowulf cackled, 'Don't go making promises you can't keep!' It cried.

Jaune once again ignored the beast's taunts and the two boys shared a smile and continued working, but Oscar was still feeling all kinds of emotions, so after a few minutes, they finished the window, and Oscar made an excuse to go upstairs, and once Jaune let him, Oscar made his way upstairs, where he looked for his Aunt.

However, as he searched upstairs he only found Vernal in his room, who was just finishing up one of the windows.

Oscar stopped and looked at her, "Vernal, have you seen my Aunt?" Oscar asked.

Vernal set the hammer down and turned to him, "Last time I saw her, she said she needed to do something in her room," Vernal replied.

"Thank you," Oscar replied as he walked away. He began to walk away but he stopped himself and stood there for a few moments in thought, before turning back and looking back in his room at Vernal. "Vernal, can I... can I talk to you?" Vernal asked.

Vernal looked back at him and was a bit confused about what he wanted to talk to her about, but she nodded. Oscar walked in and sat down on his bed and Vernal stood up and looked down at the young boy.

"What's up Pinetree?" Vernal asked.

Oscar fidgeted with his hands like a young child asking for permission for something, "Vernal, what uh... what it is like?" Oscar began, "taking a life I mean..." the young boy finished.

Vernal looked at him with a serious and sad look on her face, she took in a deep breath and then exhaled and kneeled in front of the boy, "Oscar, I want to first say that I hope and to pray to whatever gods that you don't have to take a life at your age because when you take a life, any life, it blackens your soul," Vernal replied, "The first man I killed was... was someone who hurt me, so when I killed him, I felt free, I felt better then I had in years, but when I began to hurt innocent people, I... I felt sick, I felt like I was just as bad as the man who hurt me, but I pushed them aside, I hid behind a facade that took control for the longest time, and I began to kill and hurt people like the worst scum out there, but every kill still stuck with me, and my soul blackened more and more I killed," Vernal finished.

"But do you ever get over it?" Oscar asked, his voice trembling, "Does it become... easier?"

Vernal quickly shook her head, "No, no you never get over it, and it should never become easier to kill, that's when it becomes a problem," Vernal told him.

Oscar's lip quivered, "Then, how are you dealing with it? How does my Aunt deal with it? Or Jaune? H-How do any of you deal with it?" Oscar asked, with a worried tone, "I-I know I'm gonna have to kill someone, but how can I deal with it!? I-I...! I'm scared Vernal...!" Oscar asked as tears began to fall.

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