The beginning

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"I'm glad everyone could be here today," Toshinori Yagi said to the small group gathered in his living room, "For I have an announcement to make, my wife, Inko, is pregnant!" The room exploded into applause as almost everyone, clapped. The two who didn't were Izuku Yagi, Toshinori and Inko's 17 year old son, and Melissa Shield, daughter of legendary inventor David Shield, and Izuku's closest friend.

"I'd also like to announce," Toshinori continued, once the room had quieted down, "Izuku's engagement to Katsumi Bakugo!" Once again the room was filled with applause, as both Izuku and Katsumi were ushered forward, until they were in the center. Both Melissa and her father didn't clap this time.

"Congratulations, you two, I hope your happy together," Gran Torino said.

"Oh, we are," Katsumi said, grabbing Izuku in a way that to anyone else looked loving, but to Izuku was painful and frightening.

"Right, Izuku?" The boy could do nothing but nod, as an uneasy smile spread across his face.

"Are you okay, boy?" Torino asked, concerned.

"Oh, he's just upset he won't be the baby of the family much longer," Inko laughed. The guests, who consisted of, Gran Torino, the Bakugo's, David and Melissa, and a few of Inko and Toshinori's other friends, nodded at this explanation. Katsumi held Izuku tightly as the party continued, with people coming up to personally congratulate them and ask questions, all of which Katsumi answered. Eventually Izuku was able to slip away, where he met with Melissa in a hall far away from the party.

"What are you going to do?" Melissa asked.

"I don't know," Izuku admitted, "I wasn't even told about the engagement! They're just trying to get rid of me!"

"Don't worry Izu, we'll think of-"

"There you are!" Katsumi said, coming around the corner, linking her arm with Izuku's.

"Excuse me, Melissa, but I'll be taking my husband back." She then dragged him back to the party.

Eventually, the party wound down, the guests leaving one by one, until only the Bakugo's hadn't left. Marasu and a pregnant Mitsuki were in the car, waiting for their daughter to say goodbye to her fiance. However, Katsumi wasn't talking to him.

"How dare you sneak off with that Quirkless Bitch! You're MINE! Got that?" A punch combined with an explosion hit Izuku's side. Izuku fell to the ground and Katsumi walked out. As soon as the Bakugo's car left the driveway, Izuku's parents appeared next to him.

"You were going behind Katsumi's back, to make out with Melissa? You ungrateful brat!" Inko backhanded him, "we set up a marriage to a nice girl and this is how you repay us! And if I hadn't caught you, you would have told them that we treat quirkless trash like you how you're supposed to!" Izuku didn't talk back, but took the force of each blow, as tears flowed freely down his face. It'd been like this for thirteen long years.


"I'm sorry to say, your son is quirkless," the doctor said. At those words, Izuku's world fell apart. He was hidden from the outside world, except when he went to school, which was unknown to most people, run by very quirkist people. He was bullied and beaten by students and teachers alike, with his main tormentor being Katsumi Bakugo, his closest friend. One day, a transfer student from America came to class, Izuku's practically cousin, Melissa.

Melissa had slept at the Yagi's house during those years, before going back to do highschool on I island. During those years, she had seen how her aunt and uncle treated their child. She had told her father, however both parents and Izuku denied it. So Melissa decided if she couldn't get help for Izuku, she'd be there for him.

*End Flashback*

After the beating was finished, Izuku was sent to bed, without supper. In his room, he began to think.

He didn't know why Katsumi wanted him, whether because she believes she loves him, she sees him as an object to posses, or just because she wants to torcher him more. What he did know is he wasn't doing it.

He'd been told three months ago, about the new baby and he was sure that she'd be raised to look down on him like his parents did. Back on track, he'd guess his parents knew a month before that. So the wedding would probably be somewhere in the next four months, so he'd be out of the house by the time the baby was born, and so Inko wasn't too far into her pregnancy.

Deciding it would be best to leave now, so the trail would have gone cold by the time people really begin looking for him, he threw the engagement ring in the trash and began packing. He packed his notebooks, clothes, and other necessities, before throwing the backpack out the window and climbing down himself. However before that, he wrote a note explaining why he left and apologizing to everyone who loved him.

After getting to the ground, he began moving quickly towards the other side of the city, where he knew a forest grew. He quickly got to the forest, escaping notice from pros and criminals alike. Moving inside, he tried to get to the center of the forest, but began to worry as it was still night and he began to hear large animals nearby. Panicking, he was surprised when he found a old bunker that looked to be very 1920s. He heard whatever large animal that was nearby even closer, and sounded like it was bigger than his old house. Deciding quickly, he entered the bunker.

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