You turn quickly. Not realizing how close he was, you ram your face straight into Bob's chest.

Great. Now you've done it twice.

You crane your neck to look up at him, absolutely mortified. He's looking down at you with lidded eyes, and he smirks slightly as he says, "Woah there. Are you okay?"

You back up, ramming your back directly into the counter knocking off a couple displays in the process.

Jesus Christ this is so embarrassing. You want to crawl out of your skin.

You mutter and move to the side. "Yeah! Yeah I'm fine. Thank you. Thanks." Embarrassed, you quickly grab your things and receipt. "I'll just... meet you outside." You say to Bob. He nods, smiling. You awkwardly turn around and walk out of the store like a robot.

Standing outside, you shake a little. For a surgeon, your actions are incredibly unsteady.

Bob appears at your side once more. "Ain't this a weird coincidence." He says, looking down at you. "I was just coming here to get us some drinks." As he finishes his sentence, you see him hold up a bag of what looks to be juice and alcohol.

Oh wow. Okay. Now you feel like you owe him more than lunch.

Beginning your walk home, you look at him. "Oh. You didn't have to do that..." you say.

"I didn't... but I wanted to."


Why is he so sickly sweetly incredibly nice? It weirds you out a little bit but you don't get too attached to the thought. You want to get to know him before making any assumptions. You take this opportunity of silence to observe Bob. Today he's wearing a simple white t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He looks relaxed, and his hair is a bit messy. How he can wear a pair of jeans in this weather is a mystery to you, but you don't say anything.

Sooner than later you both arrive in front of your house. You're sweating again from the heat and humidity. Maybe you should have drove...

Bob looms behind you, watching you pull out your keys and shuffling them. You pull out a small silver key and stick it inside the door, unlocking it.

Walking in, you put your groceries on the counter and Bob does the same.

He breaks the silence. "How should I start?"

Hmm... "Maybe the mattress first? I can help you."

Bob nods and heads out the door to your car, with you following close behind.

He notices that the mattress is held down with a bunch of zip ties. Turning to you, Bob asks, "Do you have anything to cut these with?" And he gestures towards to mattress.

You nod and pull out your pocket knife. You always bring it around with you just in case you need to defend yourself. Bob's eyes widen slightly as you flick the blade open.

Oh how he wants to stab you with that knife right now. But he holds himself back.

You circle around the mattress, standing on your tippy toes to cut each zip tie.

"Can you hold it so it doesn't fall please?" You ask, getting ready to cut the last tie.

Bob agrees and puts his hands around the mattress. It slips a little, but doesn't fall.

"Okay uh... you grab the right side and I'll grab the left."


So, the both of you lift the mattress into your house. It's a little awkward trying to get it through the front door, but you both eventually got it.

Sweet treats (Bob velseb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now