Take me out?! A Christmas Special

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to celebrate the upcoming holidays I decided to write a small holiday special. I will only be posting a couple more one-shots before this is complete. I'm so grateful for all the love and support I've received from everyone; I genuinely thank you all so much. Ah~ and a special thank you to my wonderful beta readers who helped so much with everything be sure to check them out and support them as well!

Without further ado, let's get started. I would imagine this taking place when the two of them are around 13 ish maybe?


The warm milky smell of chocolate floated in the air, and small crackles of a burning fire faintly echoed in the large cafeteria. Anya felt her head spin from the warm inviting atmosphere, this was what she had been looking forward to all day. Lunchtime. A small smirk made its way onto her lips as she placed her hands on her hips.

Today is the day she wins over Damian Desmond. Her plan is foolproof, there is no way she can mess this up. Nothing could go wrong. Operation Hot Chocolate is a go!

With a look of pure confidence, Anya strode her way to the lunch line with only one thought on her mind. Secure two cups of hot chocolate. With just one single cup of chocolaty goodness, Anya could save the world. There was no way Damian wouldn't bend to her will once he had a nice sip of the warm beverage in this cold weather. As Anya neared the counter she felt herself almost shake from the joy that coursed through her body, god she is so smart.

With a skip and a hop, Anya made it to the lunch lady to retrieve her goodies. "Two hot chocolates please!" She nearly shouted at the poor lady in her excitement.

The lunch lady handed over the two hot chocolates carefully to the younger girl. With the hot chocolates in her hand, a determined look crossed her face. The mission was now a go. All she had to do was find the second son and graciously give him her peace offering. Easy as pie. Right? Then he would be so happy stars will fill his eyes as he offers Anya a tour of his house with her dad in tow. The absolute perfect plan. Nothing could ruin this.

With her confidence overflowing she began to race around the cafeteria, her eyes glancing in every direction as her mind listened for his specific voice.

"Does anyone else see this? What kind of a monkey runs around the cafeteria with a drink?"

Anya whipped her head around, her emerald green eyes met a familiar pair of brown ones.

"Found you!" She exclaimed cheerfully as she booked it in his direction.

Damian blinked in surprise, how does she do that he wondered. Anytime he remotely thinks about her she somehow always seems to know. Even now in the crowded cafeteria Anya somehow managed to find him.

"Sy-on boy! Sy-on boy!" Anya cheered as she got closer.

Once she was close enough Anya set the hot chocolate on the table. She sat on one knee and waved her hands around with a smirk on her face.

"I have gray-see-isly-ousily," Anya stopped mid sentence. Her brain could not compute how to say the word graciously allowed, instead she shook her head and used a different word to finish her entrance. "I have kindly brought you this hot chocolate! Enjoy Sy-on boy!"

Damian continued to stare at her with mixed expression; partly baffled and partly weirded out.

"Shrimp I don't have time for your nonsense. Stop being weird." He mumbled as he turned back to look at his friends. He raised his hand to grab his shirt collar to hide the small blush creeping up his neck.

"But but but..." Anya stuttered out. She quickly scrambled to stand up and point at the drink.

"It's cold outside so I got you a drink to warm you up!" Anya shyly rubbed her hands behind her back, she then moved one foot to poke at the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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