It was so not me, and so not something i would wear, but I loved it for some reason.

"You have to get it," Cass said, agreeing with me.

"I'm going to," I said, and I did.

"Shoot," I said, looking at the time on my phone as we were walking out of the store with my new dress. We had totally lost track of time. I had to be back at school to watch the jv game in thirty minutes. But one problem, the mall was an hour from town. I was going to be late. Also, my phone was dying.

"Drive fast," I told Cass.

"Hey, I don't want to get a ticket!" She exclaimed.

"I know," I said.


I got at the school at halftime of the jv game. Coach would be mad that I hadn't been there to support them for the first half.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, Coach," I said to him.

"Where were you?" I could tell from his facial expression and the tone of his voice that he was mad at me.

"You better have a legitimate excuse, Dare," He said.

"I-I dont," I stuttered.

"I was dress shopping and lost track of time," I said.

Coach sighed, I could tell he was dissappointed in me.

"I'll let you off without punishment this time, Dare. But you know your expectations and all varsity players are expected to be here to support jv and cheer them on. This won't happen again, Correct?" He asked me.

"Correct. It won't happen again," I said.

"Good. Now go sit with your team." He said.

I left and sat next to Link.

"Where you been, babe? I called and texted you, but you didn't answer," He said.

"I know. And I'm sorry. I lost track of time at the mall and my phone died so I couldn't tell you," I explained.

"Oh," He said, and seemed okay. I was glad he wasn't mad at me.

JV ended up winning by ten points, and it was time for us to play. I wasn't really in them mood to play today, though. It was weird.

The game started off really slowly since there was a lot of fouling. It annoyed me, but i got put in the game early on to sub for Link.

He wasn't playing well, which was weird. Something seemed off about him. I wondered what it was.

The game went on slowly, but we kept a steady lead of about ten points the whole game, so it wasn't intense or anything. Eventually, we ended up winning by 12. I finished with nine points and a few steals, I was satisfied with how I had played.

After our huddle I left the boys locker room and went to change into some sweats and a t-shirt before I decided to head home. I was leaving out of the locker room hallways when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around in sheer panic at first, but I realized it was only Link. 

I was so used to people ambushing me in the same hallway that I was now paranoid whenever I was in it.

"Hey babe, you played great today," He smiled, pressing me lightly against the wall with his hands on my waist.

"Thanks," I said, putting my arms around his neck, and smiling. We leaned into kiss, and madeout for a few minutes on the wall. Something about making out at school was just exciting. Even though no one was around. I was okay with that though, I didn't want to make out in front of a ton of people so this was okay.

I heard a door slam from the boys locker room and Link practically jumped off of me.

"Shit," I said, turning to see that the figure that saw us was Coach. Link's dad.

"Shit would be right. What the hell is going on right now?" Coach demanded. He had seen us kiss.

"Um, nothing, Dad," Link said, blushing. 

"It's nothing serious," Link said fast.

Nothing serious? Was that what he thought of our relationship? I felt my heart drop. Maybe this was all just a game to him after all.

"Better not be anything serious. Certainly don't want people on a team dating. That will just cause unneccesary drama," Coach said, but I wasn't really paying attention to him now. What Link said had kind of hurt.

"You should probably go home now, Dare," Coach said to me.

"Yeah, I think I should, sir" I said in a small voice. I looked back over at Link who was still blushing from everything. I don't think he realized how I reacted to what he said to his dad.

When I got home I put my phone on it's charger and went straight to bed. I didn't feel like thinking, at the moment.

A/N: I'M SO SORRY GUYS THAT I HAVEN'T UPDATED. i've been extremely busy but it's not really a legitimate excuse. anyways, i hope you guys will keep reading and if you're reading this and have stuck with me through this thank you!!!! hope you guys enjoy the chapter :) 


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