A/N: hi everyone :)

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hey! just wanted to clear a few things up before the first chapter, just in case anyone is unfamiliar with skyrim! PS. you can definitely skip this note! so first and foremost, you don't need to know about the game in order to read, since the lore is easily understandable and i'll explain everything that may need an explanation in this chapter. if you know about skyrim though, you probably know about the popular follower mod Inigo, so this is basically a story about him and the player :) also for all the skyrim players, there are spoilers concerning different questlines here, so major SPOILER ALERT. Alright, so now i'll explain a couple things

The story will be written in first person, and the character will have a name. I also used gender neutral pronouns so anybody can relate to the player and because they also fit my character better :)

♥ the Dark Brotherhood- or the Brotherhood, is a renowned organization of trained assassins that the player belonged to before the events of this story

♥ Sithis- patron deity of the Dark Brotherhood

♥ Night Mother- a woman who sacrificed her children to earn the favor of the dark lord Sithis. Her corpse is kept within the Dark Brotherhood; it serves as a conduit between he assassins and those who wish to employ their services. She is the brotherhood's spiritual leader, and is rumored to have become the bride of Sithis.

♥ Listener- a member of the Dark Brotherhood capable of listening to the Night Mother's corpse; the Night Mother communicates the contracts to the Listener, who then dispatches an assassin to take care of meeting the contact and carrying out the murder. The Listener is usually the leader of the Brotherhood, and is also the leader of the Black Hand; a circle made up of the best within the ranks of the brotherhood.

♥Black Sacrament- a ritual by which those who perform it employ the services of the dark brotherhood; it is essentially a prayer to the Night Mother

♥ the Thieves Guild-  an organization of professional thieves based in the sewers of the city of Riften that provide mutual support for the illegal endeavors of its members and their clients.

I think this is all the background info you should have to know at the moment! Now on to the story, and just so you know i've just started out writing my ideas so im open to criticism and i apologize for any lack of satisfaction if it should occur! :(( 

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