Yuki: I'm still worry for him. If we hadn't made it in time he would had been killed. I can't even begin to imagine that. I need to be around him now. I can't let that happen. I can't lose him again.

Chisato: You must calm your heart down. I can understand you want to protect him. But he can't rely you at all times. He must know how to defend himself. This is the first time. There well be other times as well. From here on I well be his teacher. To be a God he must learn from another God. I should had done this from the beginning.

Yuki: I'm sorry..... I'm really sorry.

Chisato: Oh Ms Yuki *Pats her head* Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong. The love you have for him is something you should treasure with all your heart.

Yuki: Thank you Ms Chisato...... please don't take him away from me.

Chisato: What?

Yuki: You can't have him Ms Chisato.

Chisato: What are you talking about?

Yuki: I seen you giving him that look Ms Chisato.

Chisato: Ms Yuki-

Yuki: Don't lie to me. I am girl, I know when another girl likes a guy. They give that one look in their eyes when they decided they like someone. I saw that look in your eyes every time you look at Elis. Am I wrong Ms Chisato?

Chisato: ......

Yuki: Am I...... wrong...... Chisato?

Chisato: *faint smile* You are not wrong.

Yuki: I'm not sharing him with anyone. That include you Ms Chisato. I won't let you have him. I don't care if your a God. I won't let you.

Chisato: Love can be blind and deft. But love can conquer anything so they say. Yes I am in love with him. But let me ask you this. Is it wrong for me to fall in love? Is it wrong for me to feel love towards someone? Is it wrong to have feelings towards one person? Can't I let those feelings out? Is it wrong for me to feel that? I may be a God. But even Gods can fall in love. This was the same love his father felt towards his mother. There's nothing wrong with it. Isn't it?

Yuki: ...... I..... I.....

Chisato: I like someone. Many only want me for my body. But Elis is different is he not? Tell me, does he love you just because of your body or because the way you are? Your personality, how you act, how you smile, how you fight, how you train. He loves you because your you. I want that..... I want that kind love. I haven't felt that in nearly thousands of years...... so Please..... allow me to feel that..... please.

Yuki: ...... I can't say no after hearing all that. I can't deny someone happies. It would be wrong...... fine. We can share him. But only with one condition. That Ill be the first girl. The one at the top. Since I'm his first seems fair.

Chisato: I can live with that.

Yuki: And I'll be the first who does it with him.

Chisato: Well talk about that later.

Yuki: Huh?

Chisato: Nothing.

Yuki: You think you can beat me on taking his first time?

Chisato: Better body, greater the chances. So what you think of that?

Yuki: It's game on then. Just you wait.

Chisato: Never play with a God Ms Yuki.

Yuki: Hmnp.

They saw Elis fully heal.

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