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  A groan left your mouth as you slowly awoke, you could have sworn you'd just fallen asleep minutes ago, and all of a sudden you had to get ready for school again. You realized something was wrong though, your blankets weren't around you and yet some kind of heat started scorching your skin.

You opened your eyes, the world around you flickering on in an instant. You were left confused, instead of being in your comfy bedroom with light seeming through your window, a mesa desert surrounded you! The sky above you was a bright, clear blue. Beneath your body was sand, and dirt, and around you were towering mountain ranges. Canyons of warm colors surrounded you, this didn't look like your hometown...

"What the.." you muttered, getting up from the ground. You sat up, looking around in a panic, trying to find some sort of explanation for what was going on, but there was none. You were just in the middle of a desert, with no idea how you got there. Where was your home? Where was your bed? You were so confused and scared, not knowing what to do or where to go. You were drowsy but were slowly coming to your senses, that's when you look down at your feet and realized those were not normal

You let out a shriek and jumped to your feet, the ground beneath you became much farther as stood to your full height, the sand being various feet below you. Your body felt heavier than usual, this was not your body. Your mind felt dizzy, luckily you were able to use the mountain behind you for support.

That's when you took the time to look at your...hands? Your body? Upon grasping your hands together, you realized you were made of an odd, warm metal. It was actually a nice f/c color. Warm with life, yet how was that possible..? The sight, however, seemed familiar, all too familiar. Something tickled the back of your mind but you couldn't remember a thing. You couldn't quite place your digit on it- wait, finger? Digit? How the hell do you know these words?

Your panicked thoughts were interrupted when a green, swirling portal started forming a couple of feet in front of you. It grew in size rapidly, your e/c optics widened as it seemed straight out of a sci-fi movie. What didn't help was seeing four gigantic beings made of the same metal emerge from the portal and land with a thud on the concrete below. You could tell from their frame, the taller bots were male and the smaller one female, she was closer to your height. They each had a unique color and design to them. The four had their guns and cannons up, immediately pointing them at you when they caught sight of you. All you did was stand there, frozen.

The tallest one spoke first, he radiated a sense of leadership and authority over the rest.

"We mean no harm to you, young one. What is your designation?" His voice was deep and baritone, but not a hint of aggressiveness was behind it.

You, however, couldn't understand a thing he said even though he was speaking English. Everything around was suddenly blurry, the scene around you flickering like a broken bulb until everything turned black. Your processor was the last to turn off, a single thought lingered as you passed out... "what the hell is going on?"

";;Did they just malfunction?;;" A pattern of beeps made themselves known to break the sudden silence between the four bots. They all lowered their guns, no threat was near and they doubt this bot was any danger to them. They didn't seem like a Decepticon...nor were they an Autobot. Surely they were old enough to have been involved with the factions back on Cybertron unless they were perhaps a neutral.

The four took a closer look, yup, definitely unfamiliar.

"Uhh, guys? I don't think they're a Decepticon OR an Autobot..?"

'Optimus' hummed, deep in thought. "It seems you are right, Bulkhead. We will take them back to base to have Ratchet run a scan on them. We will find out where they came from." The Autobot turned and sent a small nod towards his Autobot scout, he in return approached the unknown cybertronian cautiously. Quickly making sure they were actually unconscious, optics are off, audio receptors are off, check, he carefully picked them up before letting out a couple of beeps.

"Ratchet, we ne-"

"Wait a second, with all due respect, Optimus, are we really going to just take them to base? They appeared out of nowhere and we don't know anything about them." The blue, femme Autobot exclaimed. She had every right to be cautious of this sudden was a rather strange occurrence after all. Even a cybertronian would surely burn to a crisp if they entered Earth's atmosphere without some kind of pod. This bot didn't look injured at all, in fact, their armor looked...a little too clean.

The young scout and former wrecker were cautious too, but it wouldn't do any harm to give them a chance with the Autobots. If Optimus thinks it's a good idea, then it must be a good idea.

"I understand your concern, Arcee. But they're here and they need help. I know it's not the safest thing to do, but it's the right thing to do." Optimus said, looking at Arcee with a stern expression. The femme held her tongue, sending a brisk nod his way. A moment later, a ground bridge appeared before them, summoned by Ratchet. He must have gotten the hint.

The four entered and returned to their base. Ratchet's usual bored expression changed the moment he laid his optics on the sight, "What the-?" The medical bot rushed over, taking in the state of the new arrival. "We've got another one?" Ratchet said, motioning for Bumblebee to follow him. He gave a weary sigh, muttering how first humans got involved, the Earth's government, and now this new, unknown cybertronian. While they were older than the yellow scout, in his processor they were still all too young for this war. Optimus was following behind them, noticing the look on Ratchet's face. A possible new member to their team meant...more Energon was needed. Something that was running very scarce at this point, Decepticons were taking it all for themselves or it was destroyed in the middle of their battles. It seems this war was going to get a lot more complicated before it was over.


Losing consciousness was never this scary in your dreams, it always seemed like you never really came out of it no matter how much you pushed your body to continue, but now it was something you were doing for real... It was different from falling asleep, yet right now it felt like you were dreaming, the world around you was pitch black. A small sliver of light started to form in front of you, only now you realized you were floating in this seemingly endless void. You look down, and your hands were back to normal, How odd, at this point you weren't sure of what was real and what was not. From this small sliver of light, you saw an image. Upon closer looked familiar. The image was of you in your comfy house, it was most likely noon, your curtains were parted and the dull light from this winter's blue hour seeped in.

And there you were, the normal and human you, the one you're used to. You were laying in their bed, covered by blankets and your laptop was resting on your lap. The screen illuminated your features, which were grazed by a small smile. The scene itself started moving closer to you, surrounding you instead of the black abyss from before. You let out a small gasp as you felt the ground beneath you. It felt like being a ghost, just watching yourself experience things...were you in a damn coma?!

These thoughts were interrupted when suddenly your sense of hearing came back, you didn't even notice there wasn't sound in the scene originally. Blasting sounds and firearms, basically, something you'd hear from an action movie filled your small bedroom. The audio came from your laptop, whatever you were watching seemed pretty intense. You inched closer, the ground under you still felt weird due to floating a second ago. Walking up to the side of your bed, you saw a flash of grey and red on the laptop screen. Just for a moment, before the image around you turned back to darkness. Suddenly, you felt like you were falling. You let out a gasp. The sound of the air was getting thinner and thinner, it felt like you were trying to breathe the air inside out.

This was it, wasn't it?



it's really tough writing for other characters besides my own, but hopefully, this is a good second chapter! Thank you for all the support so far, its so motivating and Im glad to interact with other tfp fans :)

𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗' (transformers tfp x reader)Where stories live. Discover now