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"Should I not be getting my beauty sleep before the big day?"

"It is still early in the morning, sire."

Veran stopped the rushed scratch of his pen to throw an unamused look at his assistant.

"Given that the ceremony is all about me, I figured I'd need the whole day to catch up on the much needed rest."

"As handsome as you are, sire, I reckon a few hours of sleep once you're done with the work should suffice for tomorrow."

"You're much too jolly for someone who is supposedly burdened by 'never ending' work before the big day," he grumbled, continuing on his work with an eye roll at the waiting look the older man wore.

"I assure you, I am quite pressed with additional work, Your Highness," Adler replied with a sombre nod of his head before his lips twitched into a smile that was closer to a grin, "but I'm in a pleasant mood because the day has finally arrived."

"The day I get buried under more more work but with an official standing?" Veran sighed, finally putting the pen down and letting his fingers curl into themselves. 

"The throne is a heavy seat to sit in, Your Highness. Great men have succumbed to its weight and responsibilities, lesser have died for it. But I'm delighted for the coming day because I believe in your abilities as a just and kind ruler who will lead the people into prosperity."

Despite the rosy glow that crept up his ears and neck at the unexpected compliment, the older man's words warmed Veran from the inside, the trust in those eyes and the kindness in his smile easing the tenseness that had his bones strained and aching as the ceremony crept closer. 

"I'm sure these words of flattery have nothing to do with the fact that you will be sending in more work my way as soon as I'm done with this," the Prince quipped.

"I shall neither deny nor admit to anything of that sort, Your Highness." 

Veran shook his head in muted amusement and fondness, returning to the pile of paperwork on the desk. 

There were all sorts of political policies and matters he had to catch up on and formalities to go through for the ceremony the next day. If he thought he would get some much needed respite from it all with the ceremony so close, he was in for an unpleasant surprise. 

Veran had received a notice from Cirthe a few days ago, sent by one of the helpers she's taken to spending time since she was relieved of her duties as his personal Knight. The note read that she won't be able to visit or meet him till the day of the ceremony itself since she would be busy with certain things. Oh how he wanted to question what all she was up to but he barely had time to think for himself in peace so perhaps it was all for the better that he couldn't lounge around in her company with all the work piled up on his desk.

"Is there anything else aside from the paper work that needs to be done by tomorrow?" he asked Adler, hoping to get a break from all the complicated papers and words.

"You do have to go through a final fitting, Your Highness," his assistant informed him.

Veran might have looked too eager in his action as he placed the papers back on his desk, the pen and stamps neatly arranged on top before pushing back the chair he had spent what felt like hours on. Adler was kind enough to not comment on it aside from the amused look in his eyes.

"Let's get that over with then, shall we?" he clapped his hands, fingers slightly stiff from holding on to his pen for long, "Wouldn't want the Heir to the throne to arrive at the ceremony in ill-fitting attire now, do we?"

His assistant cheekily played along, nodding somberly in agreement, "Of course not, Your Highness. I think the young ladies would be sorely disappointed."

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