What A Wierd Birthday And Christmas Surprise..(Christmas Sort Of Special)

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Jupiner looked at the calender set in front of her, then pointed to the 25th of December,"That's.. My birth.. Day.." She said. Ellie's eyes lit up,"Your birthday is on Christmas!?" Jupiner looked at her confused,"Christ... Mas..?" She asked. Ellie nodded,"Christmas! You know, the holiday that happens on the 25th of December!" Jupiner was still confused. Of course, she had never heard of Christmas. Ellie stared at her, and Jupiner stared back,".. Please tell me you've heard of Christmas.." Ellie said, finishing abruptly before Jupiner shook her head," YOU HAVEN'T HEARD OF CHRISTMAS?" Ellie asked loudly in shock, and Jupiner shook her head again. Ellie sighed,"time to teach you about it then." Ellie took her hand as to stand up and walk around, her and Jupiner looked at eachother as their cheeks turned red. Ellie let go,"O-okay maybe we should start with something simple to understand, like presents." Ellie said. Jupiner nodded, intently listening to information she might not understand, "On Christmas you give and recieve presents. And you kinda have to accept a present you don't like to not upset your family-" Ellie said quickly. Jupiner looked at the ground,"... Accept presents.. To make.. Family happy..?" Jupiner said. Ellie laughed at herself,"Kind of.... That's really sad isn't it?" Ellie said, Jupiner nodded. Ellie looked at the calendar and then to Jupiner,"I'll explain more tomorrow, there's a lot of time left until Christmas.." Ellie said.

Weeks had passed, and it was finally Christmas and Jupiner's birthday. Everyone had been sprinting into friend's houses, some people had been carrying food and presents. Frisk knocked loudly on Jupiner's door, who opened it a few seconds after,"Merry Christmas!!!" Frisk said happily. Ellie smiled and Kitty waved at Jupiner,"Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!" Ellie said, to which Jupiner smiled. Kitty and Fell were carrying presents. Fell had them held up in the air, using blue magic. Meanwhile Kitty calmly held them in her arms, lifting them up when needed. Some were the size of a palm, some were the size of a torso. Jupiner let them inside, looking behind them to the mass amounts of snow and ice. She closed the door behind them. Kitty and Fell set the presents down, Kitty shaking her arms due to how heavy some of them are.

Ellie stood next to Jupiner,"It's really cold outside.." Ellie said and Jupiner nodded. There was a Christmas tree near the window of the small, semi-detached, one-bedroom house from a few days prior. Kitty and Ellie had come over to her house to help Jupiner put up decorations, or atleast remind her to. It took them a few hours, but the three managed to put them up the best they could. Jupiner had spent a lot of time thinking about Ellie. They spend so much time together that Ellie was the only person she could think about. They'd always spend time together. No matter what. They were almost inseparable," 'Kay. Now that that's finished we can have dinner etcetera." Fell said in his usual agitated tone of voice. Frisk ran to the small kitchen, which looked quite wrecked. Kitty followed suite, to make sure Frisk doesn't accidentally break anything,"The kitchen looks a bit messed up from the last time we came here.." Kitty said. Jupiner nodded,"Tried.. Cooking.." Ellie smiled at her.

Kitty took a few plates out,"Frisk don't touch that-- I'll go and get the food from our house. I'll be quick!" She said, walking outside and running to the other house. Frisk came to the living and stood next to Fell, who was staring at the Christmas tree.

The night went by, the laughter outside had quietened down, yet was still as loud as it had always been. Ellie stood up from the table,"I'm gonna go outside for a walk.." She said. Frisk looked at her, confused,"I thought you didn't like how cold it is outside.." Kitty said. Ellie nodded,"Yeah but I want to see the huge Christmas Tree outside." Ellie replied. Jupiner looked up at her, interested,"I want... See tree.. Too.." She said, somewhat quietly. Ellie walked over to the front door, putting her coat on,"Then come with me if you wanna see it too!" Ellie said. Jupiner nodded and followed quickly after her,"They apparently put a mistletoe under one of the branches so wha-- nevermind they left." Frisk said. Fell shrugged,"Welp, if they walk under they walk under." He said.

The cold winter air blew in their faces. Lights flickered on a ginormous tree which stood tall amongst small shops and houses. Kids ran back and forth amongst the snow, snowballs flying around almost hitting botched snowmen. Ellie held Jupiner by the wrist, quickly dragging her towards the Christmas Tree. No one was sure if it was real or fake, it looked real yet there was no way it was real,"Look how huge the tree is!" Ellie said. Jupiner looked up in amazement,"... Wow...." She said quietly. Little kids kept on bumping into them, running away from snowballs. Ellie spotted a small secluded area, it looked like everyone was avoiding it. She took Jupiner by the hand, both of their faces turning somewhat red at the fact,"Let's go over there!" Ellie said, pointing to the small area. Jupiner nodded, afterwards Ellie dragged her over there.

Little gasps of excitedness echoed around them. Ellie and Jupiner were clueless as to why people had gathered around. A little child came up to them,"You're under the mistletoe!!" The child said. Ellie looked up shocked. Yes she was standing under the mistletoe with Jupiner. Confused, Jupiner looked up at the mistletoe. She didn't know what it meant. Other kids stood around chanting "Kiss". Jupiner looked at Ellie with a confused expression,"When you're under a mistletoe you have to kiss the person with who you walked under it." Ellie said. Jupiner nodded slightly, somehow immediately understanding the concept. They stared at eachother for a small while, blocking out all of the children chanting for them to kiss.

Finally, Ellie followed out on what has to happen under a mistletoe. Taking her hands covered by gloves, she cupped Jupiner's face. In an instant, Ellie kissed Jupiner. It took Jupiner a few seconds to process what had just happened yet by default she wrapped her arms around Ellie, pulling her closer. Ellie broke the kiss shortly after, staring at Jupiner in a slight daze. Ellie let go of Jupiner's face,"I-I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I just-" She got cut off by Jupiner placing a finger over her lips,"It's.. Fine.." Jupiner said. She sounded less monotone, she sounded more happy than she did hours ago.

"It's was.. Just.. A wierd.. Surprise.."

(word count: 1138)
(I have been waiting to do this for SO LONG-- I did however sort of rush to finish this on Christmas eve whilst I had a headache and needed to be asleep but it's all good- MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!)

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