Trey's Story - Chapter 7(The Pledge)

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The first day on campus had me nervous and excited at the same time. I was leaving the comforts of my aunt's house and moving into university housing to be sharing a room with somebody I don't know on a campus where I do not know a single person.

To start a new phase in life is truly a terrifying thought. Would this be too much? Could I succeed in this environment being a college student? So many questions that are filled with self-doubt. Nobody I really knew had been to college. My immediate family, none of them even talked about going to college. You heard stories of people in my family that went to college, like my aunt, but I really have only known her for a few months now.

But I cannot let self-doubt and fear ruin this great opportunity. I believe in me. I am excited to be outside of those walls of Calliope Projects. Getting out of those walls freed my mind as well as my body. Now I can honestly see a future that doesn't have me hustling the streets. A future where my heart rate does not increase every time I see a police car not knowing if they were looking for me for something I could have done.

It is truly the first time I took a huge sigh of relief being able to focus on a positive and prosperous future. I will never forget the past and the streets of New Orleans as they have made me. I feel like I escaped them, but I know everybody not as lucky as I am. I know everybody will not make it out like I did.

I pledged to myself back during those times that I would swear of violence of any kind. I saw violence ruin my family and many others. I will be an advocate of youth and stopping violence. I promise that I am going to use my story and my experiences to return to New Orleans and spend a life of trying to save kids from those same streets.

But, to do all of that, I got to get this education and become a college graduate. That is my first step in my plan and the promises I have made to my parents.

Trim and my aunt helped me get all set up in my university apartment. The irony is that the university apartments were made of cylinder block walls just like those in the hood, but the outlook within those walls was not as oppressive and mind altering.

Those cylinder blocks simply felt like they were supporting a structure, supporting a home and a dream. The cylinder blocks in the hood felt like they were sucking you in, sucking the life and dreams out of you.

The university apartment was a small two-bedroom apartment. There was a common area that served as the kitchen and living room area. The appliances were not brand new, but much newer and in better shape than anything I was used to in New Orleans.

The university had this wood brown sofa sitting in the living room area with those brown fiber weaved seat cushions. My aunt let me take a television from the house so I sat it on a stand directly across from the sofa.

My aunt made up the bed and cleaned and swept all around my room. The clothes were nicely packed away and room was neat and clean, at least for now. I was all set up in my new place on campus and I walked my aunt and cousin to the door.

My aunt gave me a hug and I could see her fighting back the tears. I guess she was proud to see me follow through to this point. I watched them walk out the door and slowly closed the door behind them.

I sat reflecting on the new life and new dreams. Soaking up living in my own place for the first time. Now, I am curious as to what my roommate would be like. My aunt was able to go through a roommate partnering program to help pair me with one, but I knew nothing about him and curious if we would be able to get along.

He has not arrived, but I know there is a freshman picnic this evening. I wanted to wait to meet my roommate, but I think I will just head out and walk over to the picnic, just enjoy the walk and the views of campus.

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