Chapter Nine

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-It was the wee hours of dawn Jess's team was getting ready to strike back against omega one, currently everyone was at the armored IFV (Bradley) that was going to take them-

Jess: "Alright everyone let's go through this one more time! All of you have special roles!, we are one of the two teams assigned to cut the power to omega one so that the gates for squad 290 can make their way in!, now we are hitting a power station two miles out from the base, I want everyone to treat it seriously, we only got one chance at this! Squad 290's counting on us.. everyone got that?!"

-The whole team nods and yells out yes ma'am! in unison-

Jess: "Alright let's move out!"
-She would knock on the back doors of the Bradley and  the ramp drops  and everyone piles inside the Bradley ands takes their seats-

Zone: -He would look down at his IWI.Dan rubbing the scope with his glove softly as the vehicle began to softly move-

Jess: "Assigning role task, Ashley and zone your going to be on a hill over watching us, and me Rachel and Nika will be inside sabotaging the power"

Zone: -He nods softly and would rest the sniper on his lap-

Ashley: "Only both of us on a hill?- so much opportunities when your by yourself with me zone just remember that"

Zone: "Keep pushing your luck and see what happens Ashley.. I won't be afraid to blow a hole into head like what I did to that commander.."

Ashley: "Getting rather bold aren't we zone, nobody will miss you when your gone just remember that buddy.."

Nika: "Ashley.."
-She looks at her dead in the eye-
"If he goes missing when we get back to the APC I'll personally gut you with your knife and hang you up on a tree.."

Rachel: "I'm with Nika aswell, just because he's a human in our squad doesn't mean to hate on him, we focus on the real threat, because if we don't, we are all going to be facing the end of a barrel"

Jess: -She was obviously ignoring the conversation but she would have agreed if it weren't for her position as squad leader-

Ashley: -Seeing the conversation had turned against her she would have remained silent and looked back down at the ground-

Nika: -She then looks back at zone-
"Don't let her give shit to you got that?, your apart of our team your not the enemy"

Zone: -He nods softly-
"Yes.. yes ma'am..."

Nika: "No need to call me ma'am no more, or call any of us that got it?"

Zone: "Yes Nika I got it.."

Nika: "Good goo-"

-The vehicle makes an abrupt stop causing the occupants to lurch forward at each other-

Zone: "SH-"
-He would hit the small medical cabinet with his head followed by Ashley would would have hit the side of his seat before practically slightly crushing him by landing on him-

Ashley: "Oww.. Jesus Christ.."

-She would have slowly sit up and realized what has happened-

Ashley: "Shit.. Zone? You uhh alright?..."

Jess: "Driver turn on the interior light!"

-Once the light turns on they were able to see that Zone was slumped over. knocked out from the impact of the small medical cabinet-

Nika: "Shit is Zone ok?!"

-Nika quickly sits up and would lean forward to first check if he had a pulse by pressing her finger to his neck, after feeling that he had a pulse she breathed in a sigh of relief-

Nika: "He is just only knocked out.."

Rachel: "And also driver! Why did we stop suddenly for!"

Gunner: -The gunner gets off his seat and peers down where the squad was at-
"The driver can't hear you from the sound of the engine being right next to him! But we stopped due to a road being washed out on purpose, the driver thinks he won't be able to make it across safely"

Rachel: "Damn shit.."
-She turns to Jess with the gunner still watching-
"What's the motive now? The crew can't take care of zone because they will have to focus with their mission to overwatch aswell!"

Jess: -She sits in a predicament knowing that she has to leave a squad member behind but she was just debating on who to do it..-
"Nika... stay with zone and administer first aid if needed.."

Nika: "Yes squad leader!"

Jess: "Rest of you with me right now!"
-The doors would open and Rachel is the first one to step out onto the muddy ground followed by the rest of the squad-

Ashley: "Take care of zone I assume?"

Nika: "I will.. now go run alone with Jess"

Ashley: -Ashley nods and started to walk away to catch up with the rest of them-

Nika: "Jesus zone you did get banged up.."
-She softly touches his forehead and would have saw the bruise mark on it-
"God help you"

A/N: For right now this book is A WIP hopefully soon I'll make a volume two of it but for now stay frosty everyone and happy early Christmas!

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