Chapter four

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Both zone and Jess would have awkwardly been inside the commanders office waiting to meet them

Zone: "So how's the commander in this base? Is she or he rather chill?"

Jess: "Yes they are so-so they are nice most of the times?"

Zone: "That's... slightly reassuring.."

They would hear the door open behind them and they turn around

(This is my official oc I ask for nobody to use in their own story)

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(This is my official oc I ask for nobody to use in their own story)

Jess: "Commander chole!"
They both stand up and they both salute her

Chole: She chuckles
"You two can sit down especially you zone"

Jess: They both sit down and look at Chole

Chole: "So... Zone, that's the name you go by correct?"

Zone: "That's correct ma'am.."

Chole: "Hm.. well then.."
She would sit down and cough softly
"So I see from the results"
She takes the clipboard Jess has
"You practically outdone the squad"

Zone: He nods softly
"They also did a good job doing it, gave me a challenge"

Chole: She nods
"Delta squad is the best squad we have in this base, so I'm curious if you can work with them"

Jess: She slams her hands on the desk
"I'm sorry Commander but that is a no for me that's means we have to be out of combat and retrain him!"
"Besides, he's still technically an enemy!"

Chole: "That's why the collar is staying on him for when your squad is deployed Jessica"

Jess: She scowls, she hated being called Jessica
"Yes ma'am.."

Chole: "And I'll give you some time train him aswell"

Jess: She nods softly

Chole: "Your dismissed Jess but zone stay here for a moment"

Zone : "Yes ma'am?.."

Chole: "Call me Chole or commander"

Jess would get up and walk out the door

Zone: "Yes commander"

Chole: "So I will be assigning you to the delta squad, and you will be working with them, getting used to them until you are ready"

Zone: He nods softly
"Yes commander"

Chole: "That's good, soon there will be a bunks with them assigned with you"

Zone: "Yes ma'am."

Chole: "Good"
She stands up and holds her hand up for him

Zone: He takes her hand and he stands up
"Well- thank you again commander"

Chole: "No problem"
She then gives him a patch with his name on it

Zone: "Oh umm thank you very much"

Chole: She nods
"I'll see you soon zone"

Zone: "See you soon"

Chole: She let's go
"Do not stay near Ashley for too long, that's a big tip"

Zone: "Got it.."

Chole: "Dismissed now"
She sits down

Zone: He nods and walks to the door and opens it and shuts it and turns around to see Nika right infront of him
"Woa! Umm uhh hello someone from the delta squad!"

Nika: "Hello zone, nice to meet you again"

Zone: "Hello to you too Umm-"

Nika: "Call me Nika"

Zone: "Nika! Ah yes! Nice to meet you again"

Nika: "So I'm hearing that your joining our squad human?"

Zone: He nods

Nika: "Well then I hope we will be able to get used to each other then!"
She side hugs zone making her tits press against his face

Zone: "Yea yea- but your Female parts are in my face Nika-"
He would muffle out

Nika: "Oh sorry!"
She lets go
"I forgot your short"

Zone: "Yea not a problem-"
He would blush softly

Nika: "Alright now might aswell show you the bunks come follow me!"

Zone: He would start to walk following her while she showed him everything around the base

Nika: "So to the left we have the alpha duo"

Zone: "Alpha duo?"

Nika: "Yea theirs two that work as a team, a spotter and a sniper"

Zone: "Ah Interesting, how well do they preform?"

Nika: "They preform very well, although they both hate being in squads or near them"

Zone: He nods as they make it to deltas bunks

Nika: "And here's delta squad bunks!"
She opens the door and lets zone enter first

Zone: He enters and he sees 5 beds, one that was currently being made by Jess

"Hello again Jess?"

Jess: "Hello to you too zone"
She grumbles softly

Nika: "Anyways I have to go so I'll see you soon zone!"

Zone: He nods
"Well then time to get used to this squad now.."

End of chapter

Characters feelings for zone


Jess- annoyed


Ashley- Hates

Rachel- Neutral

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