Chapter 4- Breakfast Anyone?

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She uses her head to point me in the direction, "Follow me," she places her apron on the counter. "The rain today is so strange, I thought it wasn't supposed to rain till next week, weird."

"Heard it should rain for the next three days, Mother Nature huh," and magic to add a little razzle dazzle.

"Climate change maybe," she chimes in, "soooo," she shoots me a look over her shoulder before continuing, "what brought you here to boring Fort Vermillion?"

"My family has been in the fur industry for quite some time

"Mmm, planning to stray away from that life?" We made a left turn and it felt like we left and walked into a new building.

The walls leading from the kitchen were dark brown, and some of the floorboards were lifted out of place, and creaked whenever we made every few steps. The paint on the walls was chipped and worn away. But these flooring and walls were well maintained and not one floor board out of place.

I think she took notice of my silence, "People always get distracted whenever they come this way, My grandpa owns a few construction companies and got tired of fixing the flooring in the restaurant told us to figure it out," she chuckles under her breath.

"I guess you have a great relationship with him?" I ask.

"The best, he's my best friend of course grandma is there but no one is checking for her except for my brothers," I couldn't help but sneak a glimpse of her smiling from ear to ear.

We came to the end of the hall where a white door stood tall, with very detailed designs and edges into the door's frame. I tried to get a closer look when she scanned her fingerprint on the doorknob and opened the door for me to enter.

"Welcome to my humble abode."

"Wow," I stared at the place in awe.

"Now you see why I was my grandpa's favorite, he allowed me to just imagine and design away, let me show you around after we dry off?" I nod my head in agreeance, following behind her still taking in the room's design. It looked like I had entered a world where the elites lived.

She grabs me by the hand when she realized I wasn't following behind her, "Come on let me show you to my room."

Never in my life did my head snap in her direction, 'yes ma'am' is what I wanted to say, but instead I reply with a cool and collected, "Sure, lead the way," I am smoother than butter universe, see what happens when I don't rely on you, I end up in her room, and soaking wet.

"Lights on," her room lit up to life "All my towels are in the bathroom, my sweatshirts and robes are all hanging in the closet, I'll just grab what I need," she went throughout her room and grabbed random items before heading back over to me.

"Um, I was thinking after I cleaned up, I would fix us something to eat?" Her aroma filled the room, and I knew if I didn't feed this hunger soon she would be dead.

"I'm gonna go and freshen up" Her smell was getting stronger but I needed to hold onto whatever I needed. So far everything was working out in my favour but my hunger was growing and if she didn't leave I will kill her.

I slipped the metal canister from my back pocket and pulled the last syringe I had, pulling up my shirt and my black brallet running my finger down I lift my left breast. Slipping off the cap insert the needle, I had gotten use to the pain at this time, I could feel myself coming back to life, the cold liquid rushed through my body, I release a slow shaky breath before holding on to the face basin. I always hated this part, my chest tighten and took in a gasp of air, to a human eye it would look like I'm having an asthma attack. But in order for me not get hungry for the next few hours this was the best I can do for now.

The air was knocked out of me and laid there I wasn't sure how long for when I heard a knocking,

"Hey I was wondering if you were hungry?" he voice echoed in my ears as if each word she uttered was a musical note, she was filled with so much innocence.

I cleared my throat, "What did you have in mind?" I ask, releasing a slow and steady breath I got up.

"I was in the mood for breakfast, I make some wicked french toast and scrambless eggs, unless you want your eggs done differently?" though I had just met her it felt like I could see her enthusiam across her face.

"Sure scrambled is fine, I'll be out in a few I'm just texting my mom and letting her know what was going on with me," I look around the bathroom hoping that I did bring it in the bathroom. Sighing a sigh of relief when I found it wedge in between facebasin and the bathtub.

"No worries, take your time I should be done when you're out," I hold on to the bathtub and climbed up to my legs.

"Get it together," I whispered to myself, I always hated taking one of those needles. Our family witch had hangcocked these for our family for us to last hours without hunger. The cons were however in the next 24 hours if I don't feed, I will dismantle everything and everyone in sight.

I sliped my phone from between the corner and put on 24hours by agnes, 'how befitting' I chuckle uner my breath and jumped in the shower.

Elora POV...

Placing the last french toast on my plate, "you weren't kidding," I turn around to see her in my oversized hoodie.

"Thank you," I watch her walk over to me to see the delicacy I created for us. For us...FOR US... Wait let me process what I just thought... FOR US??!!!

"I cant wait to try a bite," she looks at each plate, and up at me, "everything looks delicious."

Looking away from her, "want me plate your food?" I ask.

"Sure," she backs away from me and leaned up against the kitchen island.

"How many do you want?" I ask.

"3," I turn and pointed at the scrambled eggs, she nods her head.

"Say when,"

After the second scoop she whispers, "when," if I had a scissors right now I would cut the tension in the air.

Handing her her plate she walks over to the dinning room, "I made hot cocoa as well," plating my food, I could hear her walking over to me.

"Let me bring your plate over and you bring our hot chocolates over?" Our she said our.

"Sure I don't mind," I knew I was getting nervous my palm sweaty, she grabs my plate from there countertop and walk over to the table.

I grabbed two mugs filled them up with hot chocolate and topped them up with nutmeg and mini marshmallow.

Walking over to the dinner table I place her mug on the coaster and walk over to my plate which was placed in front of her.

This was most definitely going to be a long night.

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