chapter 11

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Apo rushes back to his home...and searches for his phone which he didn't turned on for three weeks...
He dials Max's number..who tells him about the hospital address...
"Sayan i am leaving you with neighbour hood aunt.. be a good boy.. i am going somewhere i will be back soon"
Sayan nods "okay, but why are you shivering?"
Apo doesn't say anything

He arrives at hospital and asks the receptionist about Mile and rushes to E.R. but he stops when his eyes lands on a man who ruined his life . He hides behind a piller and tries to calm himself

Doctor comes out of the room and informs about Mile's condition..
"He is out of danger now.. but still unconscious we can't say when will he wake up"
Apo who is still hiding behind the piller takes a breath of relief after hearing doctor's words. Shiver runs through his body when he hears other man's voice again..

" Thankyou so much for saving my son can i see him? "
The man goes inside.. and Jack is standing outside after sometime man came out .. they talked about something and then he left .. Jack is still there..
"I want to see him and this jerk will not let me go inside.. "
He kept hiding behind the piller..
After sometime Jack goes outside for something.. apo checks if everything is clear...
He goes inside the room.. and sees mile on bed .. his vision got blur he felt like his soul left his body.. but he collected himself and went near him.. mile was lying there unconscious.. he takes his hand and presses his head on it.. trying to hold his emotions and the guilt..
He blamed himself for Mile's condition.
" I am sorry mile.. i ruined everything please forgive me.. .. please please wake up.. i can't see you like this , you can scold me you can beat me you can hate me you can do whatever you want but please wake up mile ... Please"
he caresses his face and kisses his forehead and sits beside him ...
After sometime he hears someone's footsteps and escape from there..
He goes back to his home


After five days..
Mile finally wakes up.. his parents visit him and some employees but the one he was waiting didnt come.. whenever the sound of door opening hits his clear he get excited to be dull again .. because it was not him..when max comes with bouquet in his hand.. mile tries to see behind him still hoping he will come but he didnt max greets and wishes him good health.. and puts the flower on the table " you need anything sir? I will get you" he asks politely . When he was about to go mile stops him.. at first he hesitates then he managed to asks " di... Did apo .. come to visit me? " Max looks surprised with the sudden mention of apo but he denies because he didnt see him in hospital he wants to tell that apo called him but stays silents because he promised not tell anyone then he leaves the room..
After knowing he didn't come .. it hurts more than any other bruises on his body ... He closes his eyes and lays down...
Apo visited him every night so that no one will see him and disturb him .. it was Difficult because of heavy security but he managed to escaped them
he comes to meet him again.. and sits beside him.. and holds his hand
"It has been five days.. when will you wake up you know how much it hurts to see you like this .. i told Sayan about you he said he will pray for you in temple tommorow i will go with him.. " he chuckles a little...then kisses his hand which he was holding all the time.. then he goes silent just keep staring at his beautiful face . He knows when will doctor come for a round. So before it he leaves...the second he leaves mile opens his eyes and grabs his phone and calls someone.


Apo reaches the place he is staying and checks on Sayan .. who was sleeping..
Then he cooks something for himself..
And tries to eat something...but suddenly.. he hears the knocks on his door...
He get scared because at this hour who will visit him. no one knows this adress.. he takes a knife in his hand...when the bangs on door start increasing he goes near it and tries to see outside from the hole... Who is it.. but he doesn't see anyone... He slowly opens the door but sees no one then someone closes his mouth with the hand and he get startled and the knife falls from his hand.. the man pushes him inside.. he tries to release himself from his grip
"Ouchhh".the man screams ... then he sees the face of him..
His eyes get wide in shock "mile... What are you doing here? And your hand " he reaches for his hand but mile Yanks his hand .. " you think i will answer you .. nnattawin?"
The way it hurts .. when he calls him nnattawin. " Look... Calm down and sit there you are hurting yourself " apo says with straight face trying to hide his emotions
" Nothing hurts me more... Besides...i am not here for this...
I just want my answers" he says then shuts his eyes...
" I will answer but first you sit you are still weak"...
" I said just answer my damn questions he clanches jaw...
Apo get scared for a second
"What do you want to know?" Apo asks
"Why did you come to hospital?
Apo looks everywhere but mile..
"I didn't...
"Are you trying to fool me or yourself?
"Okay.. as your ex employee i came.. it was just a formality " god it hurts...
"Just a formality huh.. then why no one saw you ... If you were just doing formality and why are you going temple tommorow with your brother just for formality ??
Apo gets shocked because that means he was awake so he doesn't say anything ...
"Why did you leave me? Mile asks the hurt in his voice breaks him
"Why are you looking away..." Mile goes close to him .apo closes his eyes ..
"Look into my eyes" apo doesn't..
Mile grabs his coller and yells " look at my eyes nnattawin " apo opens his eyes .. and sees the hurt and pain in Mile's eyes... And that's it he can't take it anymore he can't act anymore.. and he breaks down...
"I didn't want to leave.. Mile " he says as his tears start rolling
Mile release his coller
"Then why... Please be honest with me... " Desperation in his voice...

"It was your father who told me to stay away from you .. because it will harm your reputation"
Mile looks shocked " he asked and you left... Just like that ?" His voice crackles ...
"He said if i didnt leave you they will hurt Sayan... "
Mile falls on his knees ... And wipes his tears ..but they didn't stop "
" All my life i didnt believe in god.. but i thanked him because after going through all things in my life they send you for me .... I was happy"
then he start laughing "i was a fool . ... How can I be happy. I just assumed things. In the end you ran way but i Don't blame you .. i am not worth fighting for"

Apo's heart breaks again after seeing mile on his knees and vulnerable..
He also sits on knees and hugs him tightly buy mile doesn't hug back "don't say things like this mile .. i can't see you like this" then he face him "i am sorry mile for leaving you , for not fighting for you ..for hurting you" he pauses "Are you with me?"
Mile nods...
"Now i am not going to give up .. i will fight for my love"
"Love ? " Mile asks.. and apo smiles..and connects their forehead
"Yes love , you don't know how much i love you . Those three weeks were torture for me each passing day i was dying to meet you "
" Then why didn't you come?"
"I am sorry.....
"Okay no more sorrys " mile says as he wipes apo's tears ..
"You? " Apo asks
"What?" Mile says in confusion
Apo stares at him...
" I don't love you that's why i am crying like a baby... I don't love you that's why i came here in broken pieces " apo pouts and mile gives a little peck on his pouting lips
"You are testing my patience mile"
"You deserve it"
Apo goes forward kisses him softly and goes near his ear "so you don't love me " he says seductively and bites his earlobe.. mile pulls him from his side to face him and kisses his forehead" can i be more obvious? I am literally dying for you , i want nothing but you ... I love you so much " apo closes his eyes..."i need you " mile whispers in his ear.. and shiver runs through his body . .. " not more than me " apo winks ... "Where is sayan?"
"He is inside" apo stands up and lifts mile in a bridal way "what are you doing" mile asks "taking you upstairs"
"Whose house is this ?
Mile asks as he wraps his hand around apo's neck and put his face there ...
"This is my friend's house he is in abroad "
He takes him to the small room... There is no bed ,only a matress so he puts him on that and lays behind 'it is hard i know it would be uncomfortable for you " they both are facing each other " you are my comfort" both shares a sweet kiss ... But that kiss becomes wild... Apo kisses him all over his face than his torso .. and unbutton his shirt ..."you are so beautiful po " apo smirks and Leans forward


After sweet love making session.. the both get exhausted mile was hugging apo " i am not running away.. not anymore.. because you are mine " mile gives him a quick kiss and buries his face in his neck crook ... "You are here your family would be searching , you are not healed entirely" apo caresses his hairs
"Don't worry i am okay I threatened doctor not to tell anyone and i don't care about them... I just want you"
After cuddling they both fall asleep in each other's arm...

In morning

Sayan wakes up and gets tensed when he doesn't find his brother then he goes upstairs and get shocked...after seeing someone is hugging his brother like a panda.. he goes near them .. and pokes Mile's cheeks and he wakes up he doesn't see Sayan .. he only sees apo besides him which makes him smile he leans to kiss his nose..
"Why are you kissing his nose? " After hearing another voice he gets startled and gets up .. and shakes apo... Apo wakes up.. they both get embarrassed and awkward...
" Why you both are sleeping together? And you .. you don't have your own house .? ... He scans mile with his eyes..
" Sayan.. go .. i... I will come and make you breakfast "
Sayan gives him a side eyes look before leaving the room..
Apo turns to mile " are you okay? Feeling any pain ? Mile kisses him on lips.. " this is not a dream right?
" No..this is not a dream..hurry up Sayan is waiting for explanation...
What would we tell him?
" The truth" mile answers
"And what is the truth?
"That i love you and you are my everything just like he is yours and i am your boyfriend .. "
Apo gets shy after hearing his confession " okay boyfriend "

A.N. -
Sorry guys i can't see them apart for long..

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