chapter 8

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Mile pov:
Mind is relaxed... But Heart??
Heart is being uneasy.... Like something his own is left behind... And why is he feeling like this he doesn't even know!!
he straightens his back... " Drive fast" he said in a commanding voice...

At 7 am
He is sitting on a chair at his room's balcony , his favourite guitar in his hand eyes closed, fingers are curling around Guitar strings
as much as it looks like the world is roaming around him..., Only he knows how alone he is in this crowd ,
from outside... He is a perfect man any girl would dream of... that's why most of the girls are head over heels for him...
It's a lonely man
Who wanders all around
It's a lonely man
Who roams from town to town
Searchin', always searchin'
For something he can't find
Hopin', always hopin'
That some day fate will be kind
It's a lonely man
Who travels all alone
When he has no one
That he can call his own
Always so unhappy
Taking shelter where he can
Here I am
Come meet a lonely, lonely man
Always so unhappy
Taking shelter where he can
Here I am
Come meet a lonely, lonely man
Here I am
Come meet a lonely, lonely man
( Lonely man by Elvis Presley)

He doesn't want to be like this
when he was a kid , a nanny took care of him because his parents was always busy.. but he was not like other kids who gets attached to nanny.. he always longed for his Mom and Dad . Whenever his parents was leaving for work he would start crying the loudest he could for their attention... But they always just smiled to the woman and signal her to make him stop and left. His parents was always busy in work, By the time they could come home. He would be asleep. One day he decided he will stay up he won't sleep untill mom dad come , his eyes was getting heavy but he didnt close them..
And finally door opened, all his tiredness vanished.. , the eyes which were getting heavy few minutes ago .. started shining, he jumped with smile on his lips... He ran towards them.. he just wanted to hug them.. and tell them he stayed up just for them... He was Happy
.... His mom lifted him up and he hugged her tightly ...but it didn't last for a second and she handed him to his nanny.. the smile on his face faded away.. eyes were staring at his mom and then his dad.. .. " why is he still up.. make him sleep" was all he heard and mom dad walked away to their room...

He didn't say anything... Silent tears started to fall.. he was crying but he didnt make any sound he hided his tears. That day he learned to cry silently.. , to hide his tears.., hide his emotions....

And he fell asleep crying...:⁠-

After that day He never showed his emotions, his feelings to anyone..

At 9:15 am

He is walking through his office compound, eyes are roaming around to the people working On PC, everyone is greeting him morning..
His eyes landed at a man who is wishing him goodmorning with wide smile on his face.. he returned a tiny smile " Good morning Nnattawin" then he walked to his Cabin...but before entering he glanced on that Man again..


He is sitting on his chair.. while reading a file .. and someone knocks the door
" Come in"... Apo enters with a sterned face the smile he had sometimes ago is nowhere to be seen...
"What happened nnattawin??" He asked while putting file in the drawer
" Sir last time we visited a site.. the owners are ready for selling it" he says with a serious voice
" Ohh good" Mile nods "Anything else?"
"Just need your signature on this "he says while handing him a file...
Apo turned around to leave... But
"Nnattawin.... "
He looked at him.. " yess .... Sir"
"Thankyou" mile says..
Apo raises an eyebrow " For what"
"For yesterday"
" Ohh that... It's okay you already thanked me ... Mile " the smile on his face returned again and he leaves...
Mile lifts the file and start reading it...and a smile appears on his face

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