Both of Them, Together

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The next room Shepard entered was some kind of infirmary. She found Liara there, tapping away on her omni-tool. "How are the casualties so far?" Shepard asked.

"We lost people." Liara shook her head sadly. "Some of the wounded here won't make it."

"A lot of those fighting today won't make it." Shepard wished it wasn't true, but this was war, and that was what happened in war. "The Reapers are closing in. How are you holding up?"

"This is it, isn't it?"

"Yeah. This is it."

"I ... don't know what to say." Liara looked into Shepard's eyes, her own filled with tears. "I just know I'll have a clever line five minutes from now. I do have one thing for you, though, Shepard. A gift. It'll only take a moment—if you want it."

"What kind of gift?"

"Do you remember when I first joined my consciousness to yours? I can show you some of my own memories. Asari exchange them sometimes, with their friends, or the people they respect." She hesitated. "It can also be a way to say farewell."

"Hey." Shepard put her hand on Liara's shoulder. "No farewells. Not today. But I would be honored to share your memories."

Liara bent her head, pressing her forehead against Shepard's. "Close your eyes."

Together they relived their past, the time they'd spent together, the laughter, mostly. And then they stood together as stars drifted around them, so peaceful. If this was how Liara thought of Shepard, it was possibly the best compliment she'd ever received.

Coming back to the real world, she carried some of that peace with her. "Thank you."

"Thank you, Shepard. For everything." Liara took Shepard's hands in hers. "Now we do what needs to be done."

"And we finish this, once and for all."

"Yes." The two women embraced quickly, and Shepard moved on.

Shepard went on through the next set of doors, and on the other side she found pretty much the last thing she'd expected: a turian and a quarian in a passionate embrace. And not just any turian and quarian.

Garrus was the first to notice her, pulling back from Tali and clearing his throat.

Tali looked over her shoulder. "Oh! Shepard. Um ..."

"We were just, uh ..."

"I ... well, I just thought I'd say goodbye, and ... well ..."

"I think one of my mandibles got hooked on her helmet," Garrus said at last.

Both Shepard and Tali looked at him in disbelief. "One of your mandibles?" Shepard repeated. "Really, that's the story you're going with?"

"Um ... I thought maybe it might have caused a rupture. I figured I should ... check. You know, because of infection risks. Didn't want to jeopardize the mission."

Shepard laughed. "No, couldn't chance that." She looked at Tali. "I hope you like this big buffoon, because he's all yours."

"No one else could follow his twisted logic," Tali agreed.

"I'm really happy for both of you." Shepard grinned. "Now we can double-date properly."

"Thanks, Shepard. I look forward to it." Tali came toward her and embraced her.

"Careful," Shepard warned her. "You don't want to get one of my mandibles caught on your helmet."

As she and Tali both laughed, Garrus rolled his eyes. "Just my luck, a cross-species comedy act."

"This is the final push, Shepard." The humor had faded from Tali's voice. "Are you okay?"

"We need to put this right," Shepard answered, ducking the question.

"We will. I'm behind you, one hundred percent. You know that, right?"

"I do. Thank you, Tali. For everything."

"Whatever happens, I'm proud to have served with you ... Captain."

"It's been an honor, Tali'Zorah vas Normandy."

Tali chuckled. "The admirals hung that ship-name on me like a badge of shame. And then the Normandy helped us reclaim our homeworld. It's time I returned the favor."

"I'm happy to have you with me, Tali. Always." She turned to Garrus and smiled. "Just like old times, huh?"

"Uh-huh. Might be the last chance we get to say that."

"You think we're going to lose?" she asked him.

"No. I think we're about the kick the Reapers back into whatever black hole they crawled out of."

Tali and Shepard exchanged looks. Neither of them believed that was what Garrus really thought—but they appreciated his stalwart support, nonetheless.

"Then," he added, "we're going to retire somewhere warm and tropical and live off the royalties from the vids."

Shepard suspected he didn't mean that, either, but it sounded awfully nice to her. Maybe because warm and tropical and ocean meant Thane to her now, and she felt very close to Thane right now and very far from him, at the same time. "I'll meet you there," she said, sighing wearily. "I think my days of saving the galaxy are over when this is done."

"You've more than earned the rest," Tali told her.

"Just need to beat the Reapers to get there."

Garrus put an arm around her shoulders. "James told me there's an old saying here on Earth: 'May you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead'. Not sure if turian heaven is the same as yours, but if this thing goes sideways and we both end up there ... meet me at the bar. I'm buying."

She chuckled. "Shepard and Vakarian, storming heaven. I guess there are worse ways this could end."

Tali shook her head at both of them. "Maybe some other day. Not today."

"Today, you go out there and give them hell," Garrus said. "You were born for this."

Shepard wasn't so sure about that—she kind of hoped she was born for more than war and destruction, and that maybe after today she'd have a chance to find out—but she appreciated the support, nonetheless. She reached up and hugged him. "Goodbye, Garrus. And if I'm up there in that bar and you're not, I'll be looking down. I'll always have your back."

"Same," he said, his voice wavering. "Same."

Shepard gave them both a last squeeze of the hands and moved on. Behind her, she heard Garrus say "It helps to have someone to come back to," and Tali reply archly, "What do you mean, 'come back to'? This is just a fling, Vakarian. I'm using you for your body."

She didn't hear Garrus's reply, but she did hear the rustle of Tali's suit as her friends embraced again. Whatever the future held for any of them, she hoped it included a long and happy life for both of them, together. They deserved it.

Whole, Part 2 (a Mass Effect fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن