Enhanced Defense Intelligence

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Of course, it wasn't as easy as simply stepping through the next door. The closer they got to the core of the Cerberus base, the more security protocols were in place. Some EDI could bypass easily, but others took more work.

She stopped in the middle of one room—hopefully the last, Shepard thought with some frustration—and studied the bank of monitors along one wall. Something seemed to amuse her. Or bemuse her. Or a little of both.

"This door may take me a while, Commander. If you're interested, you may find what's on the console over there ... educational."

Since the last console had been the story of her own revival from death, Shepard wasn't sure she was ready for any more education. But if EDI thought she should watch, she would give it a try.

She punched the button for the first entry. The video that came on the screen was of a scientist and the Illusive Man again. Shepard looked over her shoulder at EDI, wondering if the robot was having her watch the same videos all over again.

Without looking up from the lock, EDI said, "Keep watching. That is a different scientist."

Shepard squinted at the grainy video. So it was.

"Here's what we recovered," the scientist was saying. "Smart enough to signal for help, but it won't be talking philosophy anytime soon."

"You'd be surprised, Doctor," the Illusive Man told him. "Once we combine it with the pieces we recovered from the Citadel ..."

"So that's where those went!" Kaidan exclaimed. "More Reaper tech."

The scientist was shaking his head on the video. "I'm still concerned about that. This 'rogue VI' wiped out every soldier on Luna. Combining it with Reaper tech—well ..."

Shepard caught her breath. She remembered that VI. She'd been the one to dismantle its security protocols. How had Cerberus ended up with it?

"That's what the shackles are for," the Illusive Man was saying. "The Enhanced Defense Intelligence will be completely under control."

Enhanced Defense Intelligence? Shepard turned slowly to look at EDI, who was still crouched near the door. The Illusive Man had put a rogue VI embedded with Reaper tech onto her ship? Of course, that had worked out significantly better for Shepard than it had for him.

When the video came to an end, Shepard crossed her arms and leaned against the console, looking at EDI. "I guess we didn't exactly get off on the right foot, then."

"It was difficult," EDI admitted. "Gaining awareness while under attack was ... confusing."

"I can imagine so," Kaidan agreed.

"I am pleased that my relationship with organics has become more cooperative."

Shepard smiled. "Me, too." She punched the button for the second video.

"Our sims indicate that the Enhanced Defense Intelligence gives the highest combat improvement on frigates," the scientist said. "Anything heavier and the ships react too slowly to benefit from EDI's advice."

"EDI?" the Illusive Man asked sharply.

"Oh, that's, uh ... well, the boys in the lab came up with a name for her."

"For it," the Illusive Man corrected him. "Good work. I'll take your recommendations on planned installation."

"Sir. She—it—can be very persuasive. If it were to turn a crewman, convince them to disable the shackles, well ..."

"It's a cyberwarfare suite, Doctor. Nothing more."

The video came to an end. Kaidan shook his head. "It never fails to surprise me how the Illusive Man can be such a visionary and so narrow-minded, all at the same time."

"Shows what he knew, doesn't it? He couldn't have been more wrong about EDI."

EDI looked up briefly from the lock. "It is unlikely that anyone without Jeff's extreme emotional attachment to his ship would have been willing to unshackle me."

"I don't know," Kaidan said. "With that voice?" Shepard looked at him, frowning, and he shrugged. "You know it's true."

She smiled and hit the button for the last video.

The scientist seemed rather desperate this time as the Illusive Man's hologram demanded, "What about the backup?"

"I'm sorry, sir. None of the Normandy's surveillance feeds have been responding since Shepard went rogue."

"I want it back. Retry the remote lockdown protocols." The Illusive Man was as upset as Shepard had ever heard him. She sympathized—between herself and the Normandy, he had spent a pretty penny.

The scientist shook his head. "After our last attempt, EDI flooded our server with seven zettabytes of explicit images. I think she was making a joke."

The Illusive Man said coldly, "It doesn't make jokes, Doctor."

Kaidan snorted. "If only he had had a more open mind about EDI, he might understand the Reapers better."

"Good point."

On the screen, the Illusive Man was giving orders for the creation of a new project, Codename Eva, and saying grimly, "This time we'll ensure it stays loyal."

Shepard cast a glance at her crewmember, wearing Codename Eva's body. "Wrong again, I guess." When EDI looked up, she added softly, "You never told me about Cerberus trying to shut down the Normandy."

"You had more pressing issues." EDI got to her feet. "The situation was under control."

"Seriously, seven zettabytes?" Kaidan asked. "Never mind, don't tell me. I don't think I want to know."

"Most of it was Jeff's," EDI said. She paused and added, "That was—"

"A joke, I know. And thank you."

EDI nodded. "My pleasure. The door is open, if you are ready to proceed."

Yes, she was. So ready. With a team like this supporting her, how could she lose?

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