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While she had her boots on the ground, Shepard wanted to check in with some of her people who were already on Earth. Deep within her, she felt certain this was her last battle, and she didn't want to go into it with words unsaid that should have been spoken.

Excusing herself from the others, she found a reasonably quiet corner and hit her comm link. "Steve. You out there?"

Cortez's comm crackled with static, but his voice was strong. "I'm here, Shepard. You okay?"

"We're fine. All in one piece, thanks to you. Again. You okay?"

"Fine. It was dicey there for a minute, but ... all's well that ends well. You okay?"

"Glad to hear it. I've come too far to lose my pilot now."

"Not one of my finer moments," he said. "If I'd been flying my old Trident, maybe things might've been different."

"We get through this, maybe we can get those old shuttles an upgrade."

He chuckled. "I'll hold you to that, Commander. Once we've taken down the Reapers once and for all."

"That's the idea."

"It'll happen. I'm just glad I could play a part. And, Commander ..." Even over the shaky comm connection, she could hear the way his voice dropped and roughened with emotion. "Thanks for making me believe again. If you hadn't ... It helps to have reason to live again."

Shepard was touched. "Stay sharp, Cortez," she said softly.

"Yes, ma'am." He broke the connection.

She hoped she would see him again. He'd become a good friend.

Touching her comm again, she hoped it would reach the longer distance into space, where the Crucible waited to be finished. Kasumi's voice was clear and strong, to her relief. Of course Kasumi's comms would be working well—she'd probably stolen some cutting edge tech to use.

"Shep! All good down there?"

"Good enough. You?"

"Oh, it's going along. We'll be there soon. No idea what it's going to do, exactly, but it'll be big." She paused. "Good luck, Shepard. If you live through it, drinks are on me."

Or on whoever she'd stolen her credits from most recently, Shepard thought with amusement. "I'm going to hold you to that, Kasumi. And ... thanks. For everything."

She heard a faint chuckle, then the connection broke.

Trying one more connection before she really had to get moving, Shepard held her breath. She had no idea where in the galaxy Miranda was, or if she'd be able to receive communications. But there she was, her familiar voice coming through calm and clear. "Commander. Hope you don't mind me crashing this little party of yours."

"You're here?"

"Wouldn't miss it. Earth's my homeworld, too."

She probably had more memories of it than Shepard did, at that. "Well, I'm glad you're with us. Feeling better?"

"Much. Nothing a little medigel couldn't fix." She chuckled. "I got a few sideways looks from Alliance brass when I offered to help, but they can't be choosy at this point." There was a moment's static, then Miranda's voice came through again. "Shepard ... I wanted to say good-bye."

Whole, Part 2 (a Mass Effect fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now