Ready to End All of This

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"Commander, Admiral Hackett says the fleets are ready to move on the Cerberus location." Traynor's voice came through Shepard's comm link loud and clear. "And Joker says you should get ready—we'll be in position soon."

"Got it. Thank you, Traynor."

Shepard pushed herself up from the chair in life support and hurried to get herself ready for the attack before joining Joker in the cockpit. "Where are we at?" she asked him.

"Admiral Hackett's sent the Fifth Fleet forward. 'I don't want a single Cerberus ship in my sky when we're through'," Joker added in a passable imitation of the admiral's raspy growl. "They already sent the strike team in, so we have a foothold in the base. Still lots of fighers guarding the launch bays. Could get tricky."

"You can get us in, right?"

"'Course. I got us to Ilos, didn't I? I can do this. Might be a bumpy ride, though."

"Shepard." EDI stood up, facing her. "I should accompany you on this mission."


"This is the central point of operations for Cerberus. They will have enhanced security measures. With my knowledge of Cerberus algorithms and this body's updated protocol, I offer the best chance to help you succeed."

Shepard considered the idea, weighing EDI's undeniable usefulness against the possibility of Cerberus finding a way to turn her against the Normandy crew ... and decided to bet on EDI. "Grab your gear."

"Wait, what? Are you crazy?" Joker half-rose in his seat in his distress. "You can't go to Cerberus headquarters! They could have a virus, or a kill-switch, or—"

Even as Shepard put a gentle hand on his shoulder to keep him in his seat, EDI said reassuringly, "I will be fine, Jeff."

Shepard nodded at her. "Head for the shuttle, EDI. I'll be right behind you."

"Yes, Commander. Jeff ..."

He stared at her helplessly, wanting to forbid her to go and knowing he couldn't.

EDI turned and left the cockpit.

Joker turned to the screen in front of him, clearing his throat, but his voice came out cracked and uncertain regardless. "Fifth Fleet's cut through their line. They're regrouping. Now's as good a time as any."

"I know it hurts, not being able to go with her," Shepard said softly.

"Yeah, it sucks. Thanks for bringing that up."

She patted him on the shoulder, knowing he needed to be alone, to fly his plane, to work through this, and turned to go.

Before she got to the doors, Joker's voice stopped her. "Hey, Shepard? Keep her safe."

"Same to you," she said softly. The doors slid open for her, and she left him there in the cockpit. It was where he felt safest, where he was most in control, most sure of himself ... but Shepard had never considered before that his special leather seat was as much his prison as his home, keeping him from being with the people he loved when they were in danger. That was something she had never really experienced—she was either the one in danger, or the people she loved were with her.

When this was over, she was going to find someone who had technology that could allow Joker a more normal life. And if that person didn't exist, she'd find someone who could become them. Liara would help, she was certain.

As she moved through the CIC, her pulse raced. This was it. They would storm the Cerberus base, they would take down the Illusive Man once and for all, end his interference in the war, kill Kai Leng, get the data they needed, and finish the Crucible. It was finished, ready, just waiting for the Catalyst. And just in time—once they launched a full-on assault on Cerberus, the Reapers were almost guaranteed to take notice. She hoped the fleets were ready—all of them, human and turian and quarian and asari and all the rest. If she lost to Kai Leng again, if anything went wrong today and she didn't get the intel on the Catalyst, they would have no choice but to take their chance at a last-ditch battle. Their only hope was to stick together, to fight as one against their common enemy.

No. She wouldn't think like that. She was J.R. Shepard. She had won against tougher enemies than a single assassin—she had faced harder fights, more desperate situations. And she was still here, still fighting. She would fight today, and she would win. She owed that much to Thane, to her crew, to the entire galaxy.

The Reapers and Cerberus had started this. Now the united galaxy was going to end it. Once and for all. No more cycles, no more harvests, no more giant monstrous creatures lurking in dark space.

She stepped into the elevator and was whisked from the CIC down to the bowels of the ship, where EDI waited, along with Kaidan, and Cortez with the shuttle.

He smiled at her. "You ready for this, Commander?"

"Ready to end all of this today, Steve. Get me there?"

"And back again," he promised. "In one piece, if I have anything to say about it."

"That sounds nice." She stepped onto the shuttle.

"If it helps any, I also intend for you to come back in one piece," Kaidan murmured into her ear as he climbed on behind her, sliding an arm around her waist. "I have big plans for you after this war is over."

"Yeah?" She hadn't thought about it. Maybe she should.

"Yeah. But you'll have to wait until we've won to find out about them."

"Well, if that's not incentive to finish this, I don't know what is. Take us down, Cortez."

Whole, Part 2 (a Mass Effect fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now