'So... this is my new face,' Kanae thought as she looked at her reflection.

She still had some baby fat on her face, but she could still see her features clearly. Her eyes continued to have that unique appearance, but the color of her eyes was not the same; they were no longer pink, they were a deep blue. 

Her eyelashes were still long and thick. Furthermore, her hair continued to have the same shape, straight, but at the same time a bit robust. Currently, her hair reached her shoulders, and on both sides of her, she wore two pale pink ribbons in the shape of bows. She had asked her mother to buy them after seeing them in a clothing store. The first reason she had asked her mother to buy them for her was that they reminded her of the butterfly clips that she had in her past life. 

Maybe if she one day found some clips with that distinctive design, she would buy them, but for now, she would be happy with her ribbons.

Her mother told her that when she was older she would be very beautiful, and to be honest? Kanae was able to confirm that she would indeed be incredibly beautiful in the future. She only hoped that this was not an inconvenience. Her father was always "worried" when a little boy approached her to play with her when they went to the park.

"Kanae! There you are, you had scared me, little girl", her mother spoke entering the room.

"I'm sorry, Mom!" Kanae said as she ran towards her mother.

"Don't do it again, okay?" Her mother had bent down to stroke her soft hair with some difficulty due to her pregnant belly. "Mom! You shouldn't bend over; you could hurt yourself".

"Don't worry, little one; your mother is very careful".

"Even so, please be careful".

"Okay, okay. Come, let's eat; lunch is ready", said her mother as she took her little hand and led her towards the dining room.

Kanae would be a big sister again, and she couldn't be more excited.

-three months later-

Kanae was sitting next to her mother in the hospital bed, holding her little sister in her chubby arms. The name they had given her little sister was Kagome. She had been called that because her mother had seen a small light coming from her sister's chest the first time she held her.

'How cute,' Kanae thought.

Her little sister had stopped crying a long time ago; she looked so cute sleeping.

"Kagome stopped crying when Kanae picked her up. Without a doubt, Kanae will be a good big sister," her mother spoke ecstatically from her seat.

"Yes! I promise to be a good big sister, Mom", Kanae spoke as softly as she could.

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