Episode 11-1: Will of The Herrscher

Start from the beginning

She remembered two years ago when she was sparing Kiana and Y/N and spotted the Captain standing still on the rooftop during the St. Freya Academy final exam. How fooled she was when she knew he would always be watching over his Valkyries.

Mouth formed a sour expression. She felt humiliated and swore she wanted to lay off the Captain if she ever met him again. "Just wait, Dominic. You will not stand a chance next time."

She then left the place in a snap with her hatred aura to pay Hyperion Squads for taking off her pride and humiliating Otto.


Grey clouds layered the horizon of the night sky, with the moon slowly disappearing in a mist of a cloud, soon to be replaced by a sunrise later. The Hyperion battleship, travelling at 30,000 altitudes, set its course from the Far East to the Mediterranean Sea.

All the Squad U were gathered inside the infirmary room, filled with a horrifying atmospheric aura.

The day was full of endless problems and tension. The news turned them down after Kiana was captured, along with shocking news that even left them in disbelief, which was Fu Hua's betrayal.

They even discovered a bizarre thing found on their Captain; the exposed Crescent-shaped red insignia embedded on his chest. They're all shocked and frozen, thinking those valkyries had him too, but Juggler simply shrugged it off and told them it was naturally part of him, much to their confusion.

But what shocked them most was the knight's grim presence. Y/N's gruesome and battered form left them frightened and terrified of what they just saw.

Bronya was the one who expressed her deep shocking feelings and desperately asked them to treat him immediately. Even Mei, who had blindly slandered him, was also showing her guilt and shame.

The unsettling and fatal look of their most important knight, Y/N, was resting on the white bed, with a whole bandage wrapped around the right side of his eye and head. His right eye was beyond recovery due to the deep stab wounds that directly inflicted damage to his brain, which led to instant death.

His entire right leg, upper arm and back was the same, full of long and large cuts, soaking the bandages in the dark, blood-red.

Juggler ultimately saved him in time, but they thought they were too late to save his life in time, as the doctor stated that he was in critical condition and had a low chance of gaining consciousness.

It was a miracle that he showed signs of breathing, and his heart was still pumping even if it was faint, weak and unnoticeable. Heartbeat rhythm was showing a weak EchoCardiography. His vital signs were critically low. At that rate, he was already near the death door.

Mei and Bronya stood beside crippled knights while their leaders debated with the doctor on the other side.

The formers held hands together as if they wanted to pull their grip together, overseeing their male friend's return in his battered form. As much as they hated seeing him like that, they could still not avert their eyes from him.

Bronya's face remained blankly staring at him, but deep inside her heart, she feared losing her friend whom she foresaw as her brother. "Mei-nee sama... They say talking is a form of prayer... and now Brother Y/N... Bronya becomes scared...."

Mei tried to hold off her cries. The jealousy ruined her life. She regretted saying bad things to Y/N, and her desire was fulfilled, but not how she wanted. She wished that she hadn't gone blind by slandering him without any concrete evidence that proves his guilt.

Her right hand gingerly reached for his innocent and peaceful face as if she wanted to express her deep regret and guilt for slandering him. The cold sensation on his skin left her frightened.

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