Glitchy Red x Trans!F!Reader /Fluff\ - Don't Worry, My Treat

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Requested by nonbinary_silver


"Okay. This is your first date since you've fully transitioned. He doesn't know about it, it'll be... okay. I hope." I currently stood in front of my mirror, prepping myself for my first date in years. I tried dating people as I had been born to, but I just couldn't do it right. Then came my realisation that I was attracted to men. And after that, I realised that not only was I attracted to men, I also recognised that I was transgendered. No wonder I sucked with dating. I wasn't comfortable with doing so whilst still presenting as a male. So, after a few years of transitioning into being a female, I decided that, to celebrate the finale of my procedures, I would attempt a date as a woman.

I went through a few dating sites until I found someone with an odd name: Glitchy Red. Despite the weird name, he and I clearly shared a lot of interests. Video games, and the like. We chatted for a bit before he and I agreed to go on a date. I was excited, he was totally willing to go on a date; with me, no less. But on the other hand, I was scared. What if he hates me? What if the date goes wrong? What if he's transphobic. The more I thought about it, the more and more nervous I got. And as the day of the date loomed ever closer, I found myself less and less willing to actually commit to this date. But I couldn't chicken out now. Because that would make me look awful.

But now, here I am, applying all sorts of makeup, tying my hair up, and getting dressed in proper clothing. We'd agreed to meet up at a restaurant I lived close to, so that's exactly where I went. It was obvious I got there before him, as he started texting about how he was going to be a bit before he actually got here as well. And sure enough, after ten minutes, he got there. And, well, I immediately felt my heart starting to race again. Was it because of him? Was it from how scared I was? Was it perhaps excitement?

"Well, hello there. You must be Y/n. Or are you waiting for someone else somehow?" He had asked with a sly grin. He was either teasing me, or joking around. Either way, I felt myself ease up a little thanks to his little crack at a joke. "No, no. That's me." I replied, waving my hand a little. Before I could put my hand down, Red grabbed it with tenderness, placing a kiss on the back of it. "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's head inside, my dear."

Throughout the course of dinner, he continually called me various pet names like, "my dear", "love", and even "baby". It was a but weird, but I quickly got used to it, seeing as he was rather friendly. But as the end of the date night came near, I began to wonder. Should I tell him? What would his reaction even be if I did? Would he hate me? Love me? My brain was turmoiled with self-aware thoughts. And after a mere few seconds, Glitchy Red took notice.

"Are you alright, schatzilein? You seem a bit worried about something. I know we met not to long ago, but trust me, you can tell me about anything that might be troubling you." He said, gingerly placing a big hand on my shoulder. I fli ched just a little, as I had been so deep in my thoughts that I wasn't really paying attention to anything outside of my head. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

Glitchy raised an eyebrow at this, clearly unconvinced. "Darling, there's no need to lie to me. You're troubled. Please, help me to help you. What's wrong?" Glitchy's face contorted to one of immense concern for my wellbeing. I inhaled greatly before spurting out my response at a high speed.


(Okay I know you probably hate people like this, but I'm a trans woman and I fully transitioned not too long ago and I was scared you were transphobic or something like that so that's why I didn't tell you until now!)

Glitchy blinked in response before letting out light chuckles. Those chuckles soon turned into full-blown guffaws. I started to panic, and I was about to just run away before Glitchy Red pulled me into a tight hug.

"You really thought I was going to be mad at that, mon amour? It's not the 60s, I don't care what you are, as long as you're happy!" As he spoke these words, I felt something beginning to spark within me. He didn't mind. He truly loved me for who I really was. I began to hug back, feeling tears of joy coming to me. Maybe this date...
Wasn't so bad after all.


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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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