Mike x Reader /Fluff\ - Love Is In The Air

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Requested by SophiandJane

This is the present, 44 y/o Mike (Safe to say, the strangling didn't happen here)

Being single sucks like hell. You're ridiculed for it, you end up with low self-esteem, and you start questioning your worth – none of those are good things. I didn't just want a guy for the sake of having one; I genuinely wanted someone whom I could love, and whom could be loved by. I've been searching for ages, but most of the guys I've met only seemed interested in one night stands. I hate one night stands. Why you may ask? Because they show how selfish one can be. I hate selfishness.

Right now, I was sitting on the bench at a park. Because at this point, I had been searching for someone for literal months. Yeah, that just shows how hard it is to find someone who's willing to love you. I was considering giving up, because there's no way anyone could possibly love me. I mean, if you have to search for months, then that's a sign of being totally incompatible, right? Of course, that has to be it. "I was a godamn fool to think that I could actually find love... I mean, just look at the mess I am now. It's pathetic, it's-"

In the midst of my thoughts, someone had given me a couple of taps on the shoulder. "Hey, are you okay? You look sad.." He said, showing clear concern. I merely shook my head at his question, leading his response to sit next to me, and gently hold my hand out of.. kindness? Pity? Sympathy? I'm not entirely sure on why he held my hand. Apparently I had been looking at his hand being on mine cofusedly, as he then asked, "Is.. something wrong?" I sighed softly before replying.

"Yeah, actually, there is." "Then, tell me about it. I might not be much help, but I am a good listener. I'm willing to help you get it off your chest." Wow. We just met, and already, this guy's.. something else. I took a breath in. "Well.. for roughly three months, I've been looking for someone to date, but so far, I haven't had any luck outside of the people who wanted one night stands only.. Not only that, but all my friends are making fun of me for not being able to find someone, saying I'd be lonely forever."

The man looked very concerned, and angry. "Tch. Some friends you have. If they make fun of you for not finding love, then they aren't very good friends." "Yeah. I guess not." And then, everything went silent for a few moments. I wasn't sure on what to say next. "Well, I-... My name is Mike. What's yours?" I turned to Mike, smiling slightly. "Y/n. Nice to meet you, Mike." He kindly returned the gesture.

Then we sat in silence once more. Except this time was different, as I felt Mike slowly beginning to wrap his arm around my waist. Not lying, it felt comforting. I know we just met, but soulmates can exist. And I think I've just found mine; in Mike. So, to show I was comfortable, I leaned in towards him while also physically getting closer myself, which effectively landed me with leaning against his shoulder. Mike apparently wasn't expecting this, as he froze up for a moment. But it wasn't a moment later before he started holding my waist again.

I felt calm with him. Cared for. I found someone who I can finally love, and I was incredibly lucky it even happened. It was almost a miracle. I think Mike sensed that as well. We both knew we were just right for eachother, like puzzle pieces. When I rested my head on his shoulder, he happily responded with lying his head atop mine. I quietly sighed, happy, and contented. That was the moment that Mike had released his head from mine, and looked me in the eyes with as much enamor as I had for him.

He was sweet, he was caring, he was understanding. I had the same. Out of seemingly nowhere, Mike had gently gripped my chin, and slowly leaned in. And when he reached me, he gently cupped my face in his hands before kissing me. It felt amazing to do this at last. And he tasted sweet, like candy. I happily kissed back, somewhat sitting on his lap.

Unfortunately, I had to pull away for air. As well as to stop it from becoming a public makeout session. No one wanted the humiliation following a public case of passionate kissing. Mike knew what I was thinking, and he let out a chuckle that left me flustered, and blushing wildly. This man knew what he could do to me, and I loved it.

And thus, Mike and myself were together on the first meeting. I finally found someone who I could love. I found someone who could love me. I guess you could say that love is in the air.


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