Grey x M!Reader /Fluff\ - Concave Curveball

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Requested by Reds_NO1_simp

Ps requestor, loving the pfp.


Grey, the densest kid I know, was currently practicing different throws, in order that he might get better at catching Pokémon. And not going to lie, this was kind of my fault. You see, a month or so ago, Grey had witnessed as I caught the legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh with a critical throw (Which means it only got to try and break out with a single shake), and he knew that he would never be able to catch up to my level of skill if he was this bad at catching Pokémon. So he had been practicing different throws endlessly, and seemingly tirelessly. Both Ho-Oh and I knew, however, that this wouldn't last for too long. And sure enough, earlier today, after ages of practicing throwing Pokéballs day and night, Grey had collapsed, and fainted from fatigue.

I wasn't aware of this until well after it had actually happened, as I had gone to get supplies for the both of us. When I had come back to Grey lying on the ground, unconscious, I hurriedly ran over to him, dropping everything in the process. Upon reaching him, I picked him up, and brought him back inside, placing him on the shared futon. I was honestly worried for him, and I hated myself for letting it get to this point in the first place. Fortunately for me, my Audino whom I got in a wonder trade was able to heal him up nice and neatly.

I quickly thanked her before returning my attention to that of Grey, and I watched as he slowly fluttered his eyes open, and met my gaze with his own. "Grey! Whew, you scared me nearly half to death!" I exclaimed, worried as all hell for his health. "S-... I'm sorry, Y/n, I just wanted to be as good as you are. I'll never be your equal unless I get better at catching Pokémon!" He said, pulling me closer, "I just want to be as good a trainer as you, I owe you that much!" Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention earlier, but I'd managed to get him out from the cave that Shinto held him captive in. He's been like a loyal friend to me ever since.

Grabbing his face in my chiseled hands, I explain to him. "Look, Grey, you don't have to be like me just because I saved you! I wanted you to be your own person, that's why I gave you a handful of Pokémon I don't use as often as the others on my team! Get it through your head, bud! I love you too much to lose you over something as stupid as this!" Grey seemed to pause at my outburst. But not out of fear. Rather, it was pure shock, and surprise.

"You love me?" Grey asked innocently. My face flushed a bright red when I realised that I'd been caught red-handed. Grey was merely confused. Turns out he wasn't homophobic! I didn't realise that he had feelings for me as well until he'd gently grabbed me, and kissed me on the cheek. With this, I had enough. I turned around, and gave him a big, messy kiss right on the lips. I could tell he was caught off guard at this, as when it happened, he let out a 'Mph!' before kissing back, easily melting into the kiss with me. A few moments later, clapping from the left side of the room sounded out.

Breaking the kiss and looking, I saw Audino applauding us for our relationship. I smiled at her before turning back to Grey, whose face was anything but. He was blushing to the point that even his ears were red. Chuckling, I tapped his shoulder to snap him out of it. It worked, and he almost instantly began to snuggle against me. Smiling and kissing his head, I cuddled him back, content with this new relationship of ours. Grey smiled affectionately at me, and kissed my cheek. "I love you, Y/n!~" he expressed a bit loudly. Chuckling with content, I pecked his lips quickly. "I love you too, Grey. Forever and always." Grey smiled, and fell asleep with myself doing the same shortly afterwards. Before, we were rivals, and friends. And now, we're lovers in a relationship. What a concave curveball.


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