Beelze x Reader /Split End + Fluff\ - Endearing Chimes

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Requested by messy_Hessy and just_a_citizen

A/n: How in the fresh fuck do people find someone old enough to be their great-great-great-great-grandpa attractive?? Do y'all need help??


Have you ever wandered off a path, and then end up somewhere where you can't tell left from right, or north from south? Well, if you have, you can kind of imagine the kind of situation I'm currently in. There's only one small, maybe even a minor difference. I'm probably stuck in hell. Reason why? Well, if you eliminated the literal pools of lava around the place, as well as the place being entirely different shades of red, I think it's because of this old ass dude who calls himself "Beelze".  I didn't know what exactly he wanted, but this dude was creeping me the hell out. He wouldn't stop staring at me.

No matter how much I wandered around, I couldn't seem to find an exit anywhere. And no being this matter how far away I travelled, Beelze was always visible, and quite close. If I had to make an estimate, I'd say around 10 feet away. He was always there. Never in the same spot, but he was there. And the more I saw him, the less pleasant he seemed. At first, he was somewhat tolerable to be around at first. But at this point, it was impossible to want to be near him. He was becoming more verbally violent, and he was getting more... persistent. Time didn't seem to exist here, so I had no idea how long I had been stuck in this place. It was getting exhausting, and Beelze was still taunting me with shit like "You know you can't escape" and, "You're stuck here forever". And now, I didn't care about escape anymore. I just want this bastard to...

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!" I roared, now overwhelmed with frustration. Beelze was quite taken aback by surprise. He clearly didn't think humans had a limit to how much they can take from one person being so damn annoying. We both ended up being silent for a few moments afterwards. It was pretty fucking awkward now. "Just shut up..." I said, quietly, on the verge of tears. I don't entirely know why I felt like crying. Maybe it was the overwhelming bout of emotion I felt. Maybe it was the frustration from not being able to escape. I don't know much of anything anymore. How long has it been? When was the last time I ate? When was the last time i slept? I didn't know. Not anymore.

I'd snapped out of my daze when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. A hand that felt ragged, but soft. Firm, yet gentle. A grip that one could feel comfort in. "I'm sorry.. I thought you could've handled a bit more than that.." What the fuck did that even mean? "What?" "I mean, that this was a personal test of mine. I was testing to see just how much taunting and mocking you could take, and how well you could handle it. You lasted much shorter than any other person I have brought here. Has something happened in your past? Is something else the reason you have such little tolerance for tauntings?"

This was now very confusing. "What the hell are you talking about?" "Don't use this place as an exclamation." I wanted answers, so I grabbed him by the collar of his vest, and, while shaking him, I yelled, "Just tell me how I'm gonna get out of here, damnit!" Beelze only shrugged. "Sorry to disappoint, but unless I find someone else to amuse me, you really are stuck here." "Oh, so this was all just a fucking game to you, huh?!" "No! *Sigh*" This stupid little shit was really beginning to get on my nerves now. Huffing loudly, I turned away and crossed my arms. "Now, Y/n, don't be so glum about it. After all, if I weren't here, you'd be all alone. It's just the two of us in here, and I'm the only one who can travel freely." "Oh, then that excuses your shitty and creepy attitude, of course." Now Beelze was getting upset. "Look, I'll admit it, I think I've been "crushing" on you. Or whatever the hell kids call love these days..."

Wait, crushing? On me?

[Platonic end]

"Yeah? Well you can go and suck it! You're so fucking terrible! How are you going to use psychological warfare on someone, then try and just say 'I'm sorry'?! What the actual fuck, Beelze?! No way in hell will I accept your shitty confession!" Without waiting for an answer, I ran off, and ran as far from Beelze as I could. He infuriated me to no end, and I never wanted to see him ever again!

Mark my words, I hate Beelze so much.

[Romantic end]

"You have?" "Surprisingly, and ashamedly, to my kin, yes. I firmly believe I'm feeling much more sweetened and cordial when in your presence. I find myself going soft when thinking about you." How...sweet? I wasn't sure how to feel about this other than... it's mutual. Despite him being mad annoying, I found it rather endearing. Like how siblings will treat you a bit poorly, but don't do it with ill intent.

"Then, I guess I love you too."


FNF Hypno's Lullaby x Reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon