18.- Mrs. Cuddles

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Ever since that night, Donnie insisted Eva on moving back with them, one can never know if Gale were ever to come back and since he knew about Eva little secret who knows what sick tricks he might pull on her. And with just the thought that he was gonna have his way into her, Donnie can't bare the idea of Eva being part from him.

Knowing what happened the other, along with Splinter agreed on having the girl back without much thought, but Donnie also put the goal on figuring out what kind of experiments and tests she was put on and find a cure for her... If there even is one.

Right now, everyone counting April too, were in the living room inside the lair, watching the television, something about April getting a new job in acting in a small cable show to which is what everyone eagerly waiting to watch.

"Congrats on the acting job April!" Raph grinned at the two bunned girl. "I'm so happy for you I could punch a rainbow!" He then exclaimed punching the air.

"It's just a tiny basic cable show." April shrugged as if it was nothing big.

Eva, who just walked in the room with a cart filled with fresh made brownies, blueberry pie and tea also some water too. Going to each one, offering whatever they want.

A groan was heard from the sitting rat holding a ln annoyed expression. "Not so tiny." He then dropped a punch on one of the arms of the chair. "It knocked Scorpion Treadmill out of its time slot." He frowns.

"Tea?" Eva offered the rat a cup of steamy hot tea to which the master's eyes light up, along with a plate of pie.

Leo then slide behind his eldest brother, hands on both shoulders as he grins down at him. "Say... how’d you like to sit in the front row, Raph?" He suggested.

Eva raised a brow at the blue masked, knowing the hight of the snappy turtle which would definitely cover the view to most if he ever were to sit in front.

The girl then jumped on the touch of someone's hand on her stomach, pulling her back to a hard chest, looking over to meet with a pair of narrow dark eyes.

"Everything alright?" Donnie asked, feeling his hot breathe near her ear. The girl face dusted in red before nodding her head to his response, not having the courage to speak.

"Okay!" The snappy turtle grinned, taking his seat in front of the others while the rest wait and watched. Eva not missing the obvious smirks on the others faces, each one taking a sit behind the eldest as Donnie place Eva on his lap.

April chuckled as Eva turned to her, brow raised but the other girl just waved her off, hiding her smile, Raph also looking over his shoulders to his chuckling brothers.

With that, the screen finally show up April's TV show. "Hi kids." She wore a white bunny suit with a headband with bunny ears. "It's time for the Laffy Fun Time Hour with Mrs Cuddles!" April on the show exclaimed showing a blue stuff bunny with rainbow long ears.

Both Raph and Eva either flinched or whimper in the view of the stuff animal, that is till Mrs Cuddles crocked her head a bit, and in a cutest sweet voice she then said.

"Let's be friends forever~"

"What...." Raph mumbled, shaking and started sweating in fear, while Eva let out a hiccup.

Mrs Cuddles then winked an eye and that's when the two then broke.

With an twitched eye, Raph then let out a high pitched scream, jumping over Splinter's chair. "NO!!" He hid behind the chair. "NOT MRS. CUDDLES!"

The other finally bursted out laughing, while Donnie blinked a few times and noticed the empty space in his arms.

"Hey, where did Eva go?" He asked, looking around till everyone then looks up in the ceiling.

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