5.- Donnie Gifts And Confession

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"Okay, mutant silverfish, you’ve eaten people’s laundry for the last time!" Raph launches over and strikes a silverfish as it drops the basket of laundry it’s holding before it splits into two by the hit. "What the . . . ?" This made the snappy turtle to question confuse on the sudden duo.

The two silverfish are now holding a pair of underwear between them before Raph throws another hit with his tonfas but also again they split again so that there are now four silverfish. 

Screeching, they pounce on the underwear and start chewing, forgetting that they were even being attack.

Donnie flys up to his brother with his battle shell rotors. "Hey, Raph! Every time you smash them, they just split in two!" He explains

"I know. Isn’t it cool?" Raph only said with excitement.

Donnie sighed. "Think, Raph, think."

"Oh... I guess it does double the problem." Raph rolled his eyes, in thought. "Which means double the smashing!" He then added and began smashing the smaller silverfish.

Suddenly there are now dozens of them, screeking, several of them leap on Raph and knocks him down,  jumping up and down on him and hitting him.

"I got you, Raph. Oh!" Mikey's Kusari-fundo flings around at the silverfish. "This situation calls..." The weapon wraps around the silverfish and he yanks them off Raph. "... for a dose of my psycho-acrobatics!"

Mikey jumps around in the air and smashes face first into the bottom of a fire escape, with a groan he slides down as he and the silverfish land inside a dumpster, lid closing. 

With the sound of the silverfish begin to chittering and the dumpster hops from side to side, after a few seconds for Mikey to then comes flying out of the dumpster to hit the ground with the silverfish clinging to him, proceed to pound on him.

Don rolled his eyes, face palming himself as he groan. "Oh boy."

"I got you, Mikey." Leo exclaimed, slicing one of the outlets off a fire hydrant, as water shoots out of it, hitting Mikey and knocking the silverfish off of him.

Mikey crawls backwards towards Raph and Leo leaps in front of his two brothers, crunching down to get a better look at his master piece.

Looking over his shoulder Leo then grins. "Looks like these fish are... Hehe... wait for it, you’re gonna love this... all washed up." He puned.

"Boo!" Both Raph and Mikey shooed him.

Leo laughs and continues. "Okay, okay, okay, how ‘bout this?...Those bugs are so wet... "

Being so into his onside lines, Leo didn't noticed the Silverfish all getting up, eyes glowing red.

Donnie noticed and trys warning. "Uh, Leo." But was too late."

The Silverfish had pounced already over him, letting out a yelp as they also preceded to attack Raph and Mikey and all three weee yelling and flailing about.

Donnie disactivated the rotors. "Ugh, this is getting old." He sighed.

Transforming his bo into a chest mounted weapon that shoots tennis balls, Donnie then strikes the silverfish, knocking them off of his brothers, them having to run away.

"Mission accomplished!" Mikey cheered.

Suddenly, screech from the silverfish caught the boys attention and they quickly turned to look how some of the smaller mutants didn't had the chance to get too far as they were then sliced in half, not one of them intact.

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