13.- Minotaur Maze

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Eva walks down the street in search of the four boys, Mikey had sent her a message saying that she should hang out with them and check out their training with their mystic powers. After many steps of stairs, she finally got to the roof where the boys were located, opening the door in time to see how Mikey had sent an attack towards Raph.

"Oh yeah!" The younger turtle swings his yoyo as flames were formed along, Raph blocking the attack with his arms.

Mikey caught Eva walking in the roof and grinned widely at her presence. "Yo Eva!Check this out!" Mikey called out as he landed in front her, yoyo still in flames. "Power fun jitsu!" Mikey yelled throwing another attack at the eldest, forming a large flame tornado as he rapidly swings his yoyo.

Raph let out an amusing chuckle as he sees the tornado surround him, grining at the box shell. "Not bad, not bad. But check out these puppies." He then punched his knuckles together, activating his powers as the red light bursted out and broke the fire tornado.

The boys and Eva stare in awe as both Leo and Donnie made their way to the other two. "Woah!"

Leo then rushed beside Raph, nudging him to a side. "If you guys wanna see real skills, look right here." He pointed to himself, readying his weapon. "I’m gonna make a portal to New Jersey!" He announced.

"H-has he been practicing o-on this?" Eva asked quietly as Donnie boredly shrugged and Mikey did an awkward 'kinda' gesture with his hand.

Leo grunts as he does different kind of poses with his sword, a line of light flash but nothing happened. "Come on... Power portal jitsu." Confused, Leo give another try a few more swings, this time a small portal appeared before them.

Eva and Mikey both lean close at the portal as Raph laugh out loud, holding his weight onto his knees as he pointed at the small sized portal. "That’s not going to get you across the street, let alone to New Jersey." He said in a chuckle.

"Okay but..." Leo tried speaking but stopped as Eva had stick a hand through the portal.

"I-its may not be m-much." She says, seeing how her hand appeared behind Leo and unconsciously her hand was grabbed by Leo who tangled his fingers with hers. "Bu-bu-but, a-at least he's tr-trying." Eva shuttered at the boy, who lightly blushed with a grin.

"See it’s practical, which makes it better." Leo grinned, wrapping an arm around Eva shoulder and pulled her in a side hug, causing her to pull out her hand from the small portal.

Leo then let out a yelp of pain being slapped by an arm from Donnie's battle shell, letting go of Eva who was then pulled by the soft shell side.

"Hey Donnie, what are you doing bud?" Mikey leaned past Raph to take a glance at Donnie, who stood near the edge of the building while looking out.

Donnie held his goggles in his hands, looking at the edge. "Well, while you guys took flashier items from Draxum, I on  per hand, took a more cerebral one." He said, showing a small item in hand as Eva took a quick glance at it before her eyes widen. "See, this crystal, combined with the elements...

"Get to the point." The red eared turtle muttered as he received a groan and rolled eye by the twin.

"Now, you can see all of the mystic energy hidden around New York city." Eva suddenly mumbled as she took the gem in her gasp, taking a closer look before flipping it over in one of Donnie's lens, placing it back over his head and pulled them down over his eyes.

"... You’re welcome and thank you(?)" Donnie questionably thanked in a confused tone, raised brow as he stare at the girl beside him, questions in mind but couldn't speak them out.

I'm A Mess (ROTTMNT Donnie Love Story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon