12.- Shell in a Cell

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Bells and shouts of loud roaring cheers was heard in a stadium of a wrestling match, happening in the night of NYWA.

Three large buff wrestlers stood in the center of the ring as two of them decided to team up, one of them wearing a polobear skin as a mask and coat while the other wore a similar peacock colored shoulder blades and mask, to defeat the other blonde in pink suit who unfortunately was cornered.

In a split second, the pink suited was the thrown out of the ring, landing on the announcer's table, breaking it in half.

As the poor wrestler crashed landed, the announcer flips her microphone in the air, catching it and then throws her leg up only to step it over the unconscious fighter body. "Nasty Team up!" Her loud voice echos through the microphone with antuiasm. "But last one in the ring wins the championship!" She reminded everyone with a wide grin. "Who will it be fans? The undefeated Ghostbear or the invisible Annihilation?" She asks as the two butted head and claps hands trying to push the other down

Right above the ring, in one of the rafters were the boys, along with Eva who still wore her clothes from school as she got out late, having to clean the classroom, the boys decided to pass by and pick her up in the way.

The boy were watching the fight, in the meantime doing some of her homework Eva slightly watches too, luckily it was a drawing for her art class and she thought in doing a wrestler.

"Go Ghostbear!" Raph cheered excitedly, wearing a white t-shirt with only an orange smudge in the middle and the reading 199-0 in the center.  Before he then ripped it off and the shirt underneath now read 200-0. "He’s the greatest ever. He’s gonna win number 200 tonight!" He exclaims, fist on his hips.

Leo cut his antuiasm by jumping over his shoulders "Buddy come on. You know wrestling is bogus, they always pull their punches. Even I could beat Ghostbear." He points a thumb at himself later for him to spat at both palms and started slapping the sides of Raph's head. "I call this one the Three Star Hurricane. You think Ghostbear could match these moves?" Leo stated with a mocking grin, pulling on a corner of his brother's mouth.

The other three look over at the two. "Oh here we go." Donnie groan in annoyance.

"Everytime." Mikey also said in annoyance.

"Maybe you guys shouldn't fight up here." Eva tried reasoning them, worried on the movements and weight given in the rafters they were on. "Someone might fall off." She says.

The two didn't heard Eva, despise her low soft voice and continue wrestling each other. "You take that back Leo, No one beats Ghostbear." Raph yells before Leo blew a raspberry at him.

Donnie curious, leans back on his arms and looks over Eva book and sees her drawing, seeing many sketch figures of the poses the wrestlers were doing, they were sloppy but noticable on what they were.

"Have you ever been to a wrestling match?" Donnie asked as he sees how fast she sketches each possible details.

The brunette flinched on the sudden breathe blown near her ear. Face blushing and shuttering, Eva tried to replay as calm as she could, but everyone knew that it wasn't gonna be possible.

"N-no. I uh... Never been in one, bu-but it's okay." She looks up at him with a soft smile. "I've never r-really like seeing others g-getting h-hurt." She told him.

Donnie hummed in thought, thinking of something till his eyes fall towards her lips, the tip of her pencil tapping lightly her lips, rosey but surprisedly they weren't gloss or tinted, all natural like her cute appearance and humor.

Shaking the thought, Donnie decided in getting the last slice of pizza, reaching out for it but just as he was gonna grab it, Mikey quickly got it and took a chew on it.

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